Make bolusing safe.

This commit is contained in:
Johannes Mockenhaupt 2017-10-31 12:47:53 +01:00
parent efc298bf90
commit 69648ecf30
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 109 additions and 125 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import de.jotomo.ruffy.spi.BolusProgressReporter;
import de.jotomo.ruffy.spi.CommandResult;
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
static {
OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED.comment = "Requested operation not supported by pump";
OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED.comment = MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.combo_pump_unsupported_operation);
private ComboPlugin() {
@ -238,6 +239,7 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
// TODO fuse the below into 'sync'? or make checkForTbrMismatch jut a trigger to issue a sync if needed; don't run sync twice as is nice
// checkForTbrMismatch();
// checkPumpHistory();
// checkPumpDate()
@ -371,7 +373,8 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
public PumpEnactResult deliverTreatment(DetailedBolusInfo detailedBolusInfo) {
// TODO for non-SMB: read resorvoir level first to make sure there's enough insulin left
// TODO safety check: reject bolus if same type and amount requested within the
// same minute;
try {
if (detailedBolusInfo.insulin == 0 && detailedBolusInfo.carbs == 0) {
// neither carbs nor bolus requested
@ -410,17 +413,34 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
private PumpEnactResult deliverBolus(final DetailedBolusInfo detailedBolusInfo) {
// TODO for non-SMB: read resorvoir level first to make sure there's enough insulin left
CommandResult reservoirBolusResult = runCommand(MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.combo_pump_action_refreshing), 3,
try {
pump.activity = MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.combo_pump_action_bolusing);
MainApp.bus().post(new EventComboPumpUpdateGUI());
// refresh pump data
CommandResult reservoirBolusResult = runCommand(null, 3,
if (!reservoirBolusResult.success) {
return new PumpEnactResult().success(false).enacted(false);
// todo anything else needed? persistent connection problems; escalated after 30m, interactive bolus gives generic error, should be fine
// check enough insulin left for bolus
if (Math.round(detailedBolusInfo.insulin) > pump.reservoirLevel) {
return new PumpEnactResult().success(false).enacted(false)
// verify we're update to date and know the most recent bolus
Bolus lastPumpBolus = null;
if (!reservoirBolusResult.history.bolusHistory.isEmpty()) {
lastPumpBolus = reservoirBolusResult.history.bolusHistory.get(0);
if (!Objects.equals(pump.lastBolus, lastPumpBolus)) {
return new PumpEnactResult().success(false).enacted(false).
// List<Bolus> bolusHistory = reservoirBolusResult.history.bolusHistory;
// if (bolusHistory)
// before non-SMB: check enough insulin is available, check we're up to date on boluses
// after bolus: update reservoir level and check the bolus we just did is actually there
if (cancelBolus) {
PumpEnactResult pumpEnactResult = new PumpEnactResult();
@ -429,33 +449,52 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
return pumpEnactResult;
// start bolus delivery
bolusInProgress = true;
// retry flag: reconnect, kill warning, check if command can be restarted, restart
CommandResult bolusCmdResult = runCommand(MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.combo_pump_action_bolusing), 0,
CommandResult bolusCmdResult = runCommand(null, 0,
() -> ruffyScripter.deliverBolus(detailedBolusInfo.insulin,
detailedBolusInfo.isSMB ? nullBolusProgressReporter : bolusProgressReporter));
bolusInProgress = false;
PumpEnactResult pumpEnactResult = new PumpEnactResult();
pumpEnactResult.success = bolusCmdResult.success;
pumpEnactResult.enacted = bolusCmdResult.enacted;
// if enacted, add bolus and carbs to treatment history
if (pumpEnactResult.enacted) {
// TODO if no error occurred, the requested bolus is what the pump delievered,
// that has been checked. If an error occurred, we should check how much insulin
// was delivered, e.g. when the cartridge went empty mid-bolus
// For the first iteration, the alert the pump raises must suffice
pumpEnactResult.bolusDelivered = detailedBolusInfo.insulin;
pumpEnactResult.carbsDelivered = detailedBolusInfo.carbs; = System.currentTimeMillis();
} else {
pumpEnactResult.bolusDelivered = 0d;
pumpEnactResult.carbsDelivered = 0d;
if (!bolusCmdResult.success) {
return new PumpEnactResult().success(false).enacted(false)
// verify delivered bolus
reservoirBolusResult = runCommand(null, 3,
if (!reservoirBolusResult.success) {
return new PumpEnactResult().success(false).enacted(false)
lastPumpBolus = null;
if (!reservoirBolusResult.history.bolusHistory.isEmpty()) {
lastPumpBolus = reservoirBolusResult.history.bolusHistory.get(0);
if (lastPumpBolus == null || lastPumpBolus.amount != detailedBolusInfo.insulin) {
return new PumpEnactResult().success(false).enacted(false).
// update local data
pump.reservoirLevel = reservoirBolusResult.reservoirLevel;
pump.lastBolus = lastPumpBolus;
// add treatment record to DB
detailedBolusInfo.insulin = lastPumpBolus.amount; = lastPumpBolus.timestamp;
return new PumpEnactResult()
} finally {
pump.activity = null;
MainApp.bus().post(new EventComboPumpUpdateGUI());
return pumpEnactResult;
@ -602,47 +641,22 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
CommandResult execute();
// TODO if there was an error (or the pump was suspended) force a resync before a bolus;
// transport a message, e.g. 'new bolus found on pump, synced, check and issue bolus again'
// back to the user?b
private synchronized CommandResult runCommand(String activity, CommandExecution commandExecution) {
* Runs a command, sets an activity if provided, retries if requested and updates fields
* concerned with last connection.
* NO history, reservoir level fields are updated, this make be done separately if desired.
private synchronized CommandResult runCommand(String activity, int retries, CommandExecution commandExecution) {
CommandResult commandResult;
try {
if (activity != null) {
// danar has this is message on the overview screen, no?
pump.activity = activity;
MainApp.bus().post(new EventComboPumpUpdateGUI());
// TODO should probably specialize this:
// smb, tbr stuff can be retried.
// non-smb bolus shall be blocked if same amount already delivered within last 1 min
// TOOD check for active warning and transfer if benign (should then also work with "Refresh" button
// i need a version of this which sets activity, updates local state etc and one
// which just does something, read history etc.
// retrying: separate r/o and r/w commands? flag for it?
// CommandResult precheck = ruffyScripter.readPumpState();
// tbrcheck?
// check for active alert; if warning confirm; on warning confirm, read history (bolus, errors), which shall raise alerts if appropriate
// precheck.
// todo don't send out commands requining run mode if pump is suspended
CommandResult commandResult = commandExecution.execute();
pump.lastCmdResult = commandResult;
pump.lastConnectionAttempt = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (commandResult.success) {
pump.lastSuccessfulConnection = System.currentTimeMillis();
} else {
// TODO set flag to force sync on next connect; try to run immediately? or would this make things worse and we should just wait till the next iteratio?L
// copy over state (as supplied) so it will still be available when another command runs that doesn't return that data
pump.state = commandResult.state;
if (commandResult.reservoirLevel != -1) {
pump.reservoirLevel = commandResult.reservoirLevel;
commandResult = commandExecution.execute();
if (!commandResult.success && retries > 0) {
for (int retryAttempts = 1; !commandResult.success && retryAttempts <= retries; retryAttempts++) {
@ -651,52 +665,17 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
if (commandResult.history != null) {
if (!commandResult.history.bolusHistory.isEmpty()) {
pump.lastBolus = commandResult.history.bolusHistory.get(0);
pump.lastCmdResult = commandResult;
pump.lastConnectionAttempt = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (commandResult.success) {
pump.lastSuccessfulConnection = System.currentTimeMillis();
pump.history = commandResult.history;
// TODO hm... automatically confirm messages and return them and handle them here proper?
// with an option to corfirm all messages, non-critical (letting occlusion alert ring on phone and pump)
// or let all alarms ring and don't try to control the pump in any way
// option how to deal with errors on connect; allow to explicitely be okay with e.g. TBR CANCELLED after interruption?!
// or a separate command to check and deal with pump state? run a check command before all operations?
// maybe think less in 'all in one command', but simpler commands?
// get the current state, then decide what makes sense to do further, if anything,
// send next request.
// then request state again ... ?
// TODO rethink this errorMsg field;
/* if (commandResult.state.errorMsg != null) {
CommandResult takeOverAlarmResult = ruffyScripter.takeOverAlarms();
for (PumpError pumpError : takeOverAlarmResult.history.pumpErrorHistory) {
MainApp.bus().post(new EventNewNotification(
new Notification(Notification.COMBO_PUMP_ALARM,
"Pump alarm: " + pumpError.message, Notification.URGENT)));
commandResult.state = takeOverAlarmResult.state;
// TODO call this explicitely when needed after/before calling this?
// if (checkTbrMisMatch) {
// checkForTbrMismatch();
// }
// TODO in the event of an error schedule a resync
} finally {
if (activity != null) {
pump.activity = null;
MainApp.bus().post(new EventComboPumpUpdateGUI());
return commandResult;

View file

@ -786,5 +786,10 @@
<string name="enable_missed_bg_readings_alert">Alert if no BGs received in 30 min</string>
<string name="enable_pump_unreachable_alert">Alert if pump unreachable for 30 min</string>
<string name="combo_pump_never_connected">Never</string>
<string name="combo_reservoir_level_insufficant_for_bolus">Not enough insulin left in reservoir for bolus</string>
<string name="combo_pump_bolus_history_state_mismtach">A bolus has been given recently on the pump directly of which AndroidAPS has only just become aware of. Please verify IOB and bolus again if needed. No bolus has been given.</string>
<string name="combo_pump_bolus_verification_failed">Bolus delivery verification failed. The pump history will be read again on the next loop run or when refreshing from the Combo page. Please check and bolus again if needed.</string>
<string name="combo_pump_unsupported_operation">Requested operation not supported by pump</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_bolus_delivery_failed">Bolus delivery failed. A (partial) bolus might have been delivered. Attempting to update history from pump. Please check the Combo page and bolus again as needed.</string>