Combo: update error message. Fixes #1129.

This commit is contained in:
Johannes Mockenhaupt 2018-06-23 13:27:29 +02:00
parent 4efb115209
commit 5c95b785bb
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 11 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -629,7 +629,6 @@
<string name="combo_activity_reading_pump_history">Чете историята на помпата</string>
<string name="combo_activity_setting_basal_profile">Настройва базалният профил</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_recovery_progress">Опитва се да възстанови връзката</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">Доставянето на болуса и проверката на историята на помпата са неуспешни, моля, проверете помпата и ако е доставен болус го добавете като запис през Careportal</string>
<string name="danar_setbasalstep001">Задайте стъпка на базала 0.01 Е</string>
<string name="DexcomG5">Dexcom G5 приложение (модифицирано)</string>
<string name="dexcomg5_nsupload_title">Качвай данните за КЗ в NS</string>
@ -824,7 +823,7 @@
<string name="closed_loop_disabled_on_dev_branch">Използвате dev версия. Closed loop е деактивиран.</string>
<string name="not_eng_mode_or_release">Engineering mode не е активиран и не е release версия</string>
<string name="combo_actvity_reading_basal_profile">Прочита базалният профил</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">"Историята на помпата се промени след извършване на изчислението за болус. Болусът не беше доставен. Моля, преизчислете дали все още е необходим болус. Ако се изисква същото болусно количество, моля, изчакайте две минути, тъй за това време болусите с едно и също количество са блокирани от съображения за безопасност "</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">"Историята на помпата се промени след извършване на изчислението за болус. Болусът не беше доставен. Моля, преизчислете дали все още е необходим болус.</string>
<string name="about_link_urls">" facebook:"</string>
<string name="start_activity_tt">Старт на вр.цел за физ. активност</string>
<string name="start_eating_soon_tt">Старт на вр. цел за Eating soon</string>

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@ -709,7 +709,6 @@
<string name="combo_pump_battery_low_warrning">Slabá baterie v pumpě</string>
<string name="combo_is_in_error_state" formatted="false">Pumpa hlásí chybu E%d: %s</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_recovery_progress">Pokouším se obnovit spojení</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">Provádění bolusu a čtení historie selhalo. Zkontrolujte pumpu a zadejte bolus přes péči</string>
<string name="combo_error_no_bolus_delivered">Provádění bolusu selhalo. Zdá se, že žádný bolus nebyl podán. Zkontrolujte pumpu a případně pošlete bolus znovu. Jako bezpečnostní opatření podání bolusu není opakováno.</string>
<string name="combo_error_partial_bolus_delivered" formatted="false">Pouze %.2f U z bolusu %.2f bylo podáno díky chybě. Zkontrolujte pumpu a proveďte nápravu.</string>
<string name="combo_pump_tbr_cancelled_warrning">Varování o ukončeném dočasném bazálu bylo potvrzeno.</string>
@ -827,7 +826,7 @@
<string name="engineering_mode_enabled">Expertní mód povolen</string>
<string name="not_eng_mode_or_release">Expertní mód není povolen a neběží vydaná verze</string>
<string name="combo_actvity_reading_basal_profile">Načítám bazální profil</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">Historie v pumpě se změnila po spočítání bolusu. Bolus nebyl proveden. Prosím spočítejte ho znovu, pokud je to stále potřeba. Pokud bude potřeba bolus stejné velikosti, počkejte 2 minuty, protože bolusy stejné velikosti jsou blokovány z bezpečnostních důvodů.</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">Historie v pumpě se změnila po spočítání bolusu. Bolus nebyl proveden. Prosím spočítejte ho znovu, pokud je to stále potřeba.</string>
<string name="combo_error_updating_treatment_record">Bolus úspěšne podán, ale zápis se nezdařil. To se může stát pokud jsou podány bolusy stejné velikosti během 2 minut. Zkontrolujte historii pumpy a zadejte chybějící položky do ošetření. Ujistěte se, že nezadáváte stejnou velikost v rámci 1 minuty.</string>
<string name="combo_high_temp_rejected_due_to_pump_history_changes">Odmítnut vysoký dočasný bazál, protože kalkulace neuvažovala poslední změny v historii pumpy</string>
<string name="combo_activity_checking_pump_state">Obnovuji stav pumpy</string>

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@ -675,7 +675,7 @@
<string name="combo_activity_reading_pump_history">Historie wird gelesen</string>
<string name="combo_activity_setting_basal_profile">Basalratenprofil wird aktualisiert</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_recovery_progress">Verbindung wird wieder hergestellt</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">Der abgegebene Bolus konnte nicht bestätigt werden. Bitte prüfe auf der Pumpe, ob ein Bolus abgegeben wurde und erstelle einen Eintrag im Careportal falls nötig.</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">Der abgegebene Bolus konnte nicht bestätigt werden. Bitte prüfe auf der Pumpe, ob ein Bolus abgegeben wurde. Sofern ein Bolus abgegeben wurde wird dieser zu den Behandlungen hinzugefügt sobald erneut eine Verbindung zur Pumpe zustande kommt.</string>
<string name="combo_error_no_bolus_delivered">Die Bolusabgabe ist fehlgeschlagen: Es wurde scheinbar kein Bolus abgegeben. Bitte prüfe auf der Pumpe, ob ein Bolus abgegeben wurde. Um doppelte Boli durch Programmfehler zu vermeiden, werden Boli nicht automatisch wiederholt.</string>
<string name="combo_error_partial_bolus_delivered">Wegen eines Fehlers wurden nur %1$.2f IE von den angeforderten %2$.2f IE abgegeben. Bitte prüfe den abgegebenen Bolus auf der Pumpe.</string>
<string name="combo_pump_action_refreshing">Status wird aktualisiert</string>
@ -716,7 +716,7 @@
<string formatted="false" name="pump_basebasalrate">%.2f IE/h</string>
<string name="combo_error_no_connection_no_bolus_delivered">Keine Verbindung zur Pumpe: Es wurde kein Bolus abgegeben.</string>
<string name="extendedbolusdeliveryerror">Fehler bei der Abgabe eines verlängerten Bolus</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">Nach der Berechnung des Bolus hat sich die Pumpenhistorie geändert. Daher wurde kein Bolus abgegeben. Bitte prüfe, ob überhaupt noch ein Bolus benötigt wird. Wenn die gleiche Bolusmenge erforderlich ist, warte zwei Minuten ab, denn es werden aus Sicherheitsgründen keine gleich großen Boli abgegeben, wenn sie innerhalb von zwei Minuten angefordert wurden (unabhängig davon, ob sie verabreicht wurden oder nicht).</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">Nach der Berechnung des Bolus hat sich die Pumpenhistorie geändert. Daher wurde kein Bolus abgegeben. Bitte prüfe, ob überhaupt noch ein Bolus benötigt wird.</string>
<string name="combo_error_updating_treatment_record">Der Bolus wurde erfolgreich abgegeben, aber nicht als Behandlungseintrag gespeichert. Dies kann passieren, wenn zwei kleine, gleich große Boli innerhalb von zwei Minuten verabreicht werden. Bitte überprüfe die Pumpenhistorie und Behandlungseinträge. Verwende das Careportal, um fehlende Einträge hinzuzufügen. Stelle sicher, dass keine Einträge für genau dieselbe Minute und dieselbe Menge hinzugefügt werden.</string>
<string name="combo_activity_checking_pump_state">Status wird aktualisiert</string>
<string name="combo_warning_pump_basal_rate_changed">Die Basalrate in der Pumpe hat sich geändert und wird aktualisiert</string>

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@ -719,7 +719,6 @@
<string name="combo_pump_tbr_cancelled_warrning">TBR cancelada, advertencia acceptada</string>
<string name="combo_error_no_bolus_delivered">Emisión del bolo fallada. Ningún bolo se ha emitido. Para asegurarse, por favor controle la bomba para evitar bolo doble. Para evitar bugs no se reinician bolos automaticamente.</string>
<string name="combo_error_partial_bolus_delivered" formatted="false">"Solo %.2f U del bolo mandado de %.2f U ha sido emitido por causa de un error. Por favorn controla la bomba para confirmar y toma acciones apropiadas. "</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">"Fallo de emitir bolo y de controlar historical de la bomba.Por favor controla manualmente y crea un record en Careportal si el bolo ha sido emitido. "</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_recovery_progress">Reestablecido conexión fallada.</string>
<string name="combo_reservoir_level_insufficient_for_bolus">"No hay suficiente insulina en el deposito para emitir bolo. "</string>
<string name="extendedbolusdeliveryerror">"Error al emitir bolo prolongado. "</string>
@ -731,7 +730,7 @@
<string name="combo_activity_checking_pump_state">Actualizando estado bomba</string>
<string name="combo_high_temp_rejected_due_to_pump_history_changes">Rechazando temporal alta ya que el calculo no consideró los cambios recientes en el historial de la bomba</string>
<string name="combo_error_updating_treatment_record">El bolus se administró con éxito, pero no se pudo agregar la entrada al tratamiento. Esto puede suceder si se administran dos bolos pequeños del mismo tamaño en los últimos dos minutos. Verifique el historial de la bomba y las entradas de tratamiento y use Careportal para agregar entradas faltantes. Asegúrese de no agregar ninguna entrada para el mismo minuto exacto y la misma cantidad.</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">El historial de la bomba ha cambiado después de que se realizó el cálculo del bolo. El bolo no fue entregado. Por favor, vuelva a calcular si aún se necesita un bolo. Si se requiere la misma cantidad de bolo, espere dos minutos ya que los bolos con la misma cantidad se bloquean cuando se solicita con menos de dos minutos entre ellos por seguridad (independientemente de si se administraron o no).</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">El historial de la bomba ha cambiado después de que se realizó el cálculo del bolo. El bolo no fue entregado. Por favor, vuelva a calcular si aún se necesita un bolo.</string>
<string name="combo_actvity_reading_basal_profile">Leyendo perfil basal</string>
<string name="start_hypo_tt">Inicio TT Hipo</string>
<string name="no_action_selected">Ninguna acción seleccionada, nada sucederá</string>

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@ -718,7 +718,6 @@
<string name="combo_pump_tbr_cancelled_warrning">TBR ANNULÉ warning confirmé</string>
<string name="combo_error_no_bolus_delivered">Administration bolus échouée. Il semble quaucun bolus na été administré. Pour être sûr, Veuillez vérifier la pompe pour éviter un double bolus ensuite re bolusez une nouvelle fois</string>
<string name="combo_error_partial_bolus_delivered" formatted="false">Seulement %.2f U de %.2f U du bolus demandé a été administré dû à une erreur. Veuillez svp vérifier la pompe pour contrôler cela et prendre les mesures appropriées</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">Ladministration du bolus et la vérification de lhistorique de la pompe ont échoué, Veuillez vérifier la pompe et créez un enregistrement bolus en utilisant Careportal tab si le bolus a été délivré</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_recovery_progress">"Reconnexion après perte de connexion "</string>
<string name="combo_reservoir_level_insufficient_for_bolus">Pas assez d\'insuline restante dans le réservoir pour le bolus</string>
<string name="extendedbolusdeliveryerror">Erreur administration bolus étendu</string>

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@ -708,7 +708,6 @@
<string name="combo_activity_setting_basal_profile">Instellen van basaal profiel</string>
<string name="combo_activity_reading_pump_history">Lezen van pomp historiek</string>
<string name="combo_error_partial_bolus_delivered">Maar %.2f E van de gevraagde %.2f E zijn toegediend door een storing. Gelieve op de pomp te controleren en het gepaste gevolg uit te voeren.</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">Toedienen en controleren van de bolus in de pomp historiek is mislukt, controleer de pomp en creëer een manuele bolus in het Careportal tabblad</string>
<string name="combo_error_no_bolus_delivered">Bolus toedienen mislukt. Waarschijnlijk is er geen bolus toegediend. Gelieve de pomp te controleren om een dubbele bolus te vermijden. Als bescherming tegen programmeerfouten worden bolussen niet automatisch opnieuw uitgevoerd.</string>
<string name="combo_pump_activity_label">Actie</string>
<string name="combo_pump_action_setting_tbr">Instellen TBR (%d%% / %d min)</string>
@ -725,7 +724,7 @@
<string name="zerovalueinprofile">Ongeldig profiel: %s</string>
<string name="combo_error_no_connection_no_bolus_delivered">Er kon geen verbinding met de pomp gemaakt worden. De Bolus is niet toegediend.</string>
<string name="extendedbolusdeliveryerror">Vertraagde bolus toedien storing</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">De pomp historiek is gewijzigd nadat de bolus berend was. De bolus is NIET toegediend. Programmeer een nieuwe bolus indien nodig. Als dezelfde bolus hoeveelheid moet worden toegediend, gelieve 2 minuten te wachten. Gelijke bolussen worden geweigerd om veiligheidsredenen (toegediend of niet).</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">De pomp historiek is gewijzigd nadat de bolus berend was. De bolus is NIET toegediend. Programmeer een nieuwe bolus indien nodig.</string>
<string name="combo_error_updating_treatment_record">Bolus succesvol toegediend, maar toevoegend van de behandeling is gefaald. Dit kan voorvallen wanneer twee kleine bolussen van dezelfde grote gekozen waren gedurende de laatste 2 minuten. Controleer aub de pomphistoriek en de behandelingen, voeg de ontbrekende toe via het careportal. Let op dat je geen 2 dezelfde hoeveelheden hebt op hetzelfde ogenblik.</string>
<string name="combo_high_temp_rejected_due_to_pump_history_changes">Tijdelijk basaal geweigerd doordat de berekeningen geen rekening hielden met de recente wijzigingen in de pomp historiek</string>
<string name="combo_activity_checking_pump_state">Vernieuwen van pomp status</string>

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@ -750,7 +750,6 @@
<string name="combo_error_no_connection_no_bolus_delivered">Pompa nie została odnaleziona. Nie podano bolusa</string>
<string name="combo_error_no_bolus_delivered">Podanie bolusa nie powiodło się. Wygląda na to, że bolus nie został dostarczony. Aby upewnić się, sprawdź pompę, aby uniknąć podwójnego bolusa, a następnie ponownie podaj bolus. Aby uniknąć błędów, bolusy nie są automatycznie ponawiane.</string>
<string name="combo_error_partial_bolus_delivered">Only %.2f U z zamierzonego bolusa %.2f U zostało dostarczone z powodu błędu. Sprawdź pompę, aby sięupewnić i podejmij odpowiednie działania.</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">Dostarczenie bolusa i sprawdzenie historii pompy nie powiodło się, należy sprawdzić pompę i ręcznie utworzyć zapis bolusa za pomocą zakładki PortalOpieki (CarePortal), jeśli bolus został dostarczony.</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_recovery_progress">Odzyskiwanie po utracie połączenia</string>
<string name="combo_reservoir_level_insufficient_for_bolus">Za mało insuliny na bolus pozostało w zbiorniku</string>
<string name="extendedbolusdeliveryerror">Błąd dostarczania bolusa przedłużonego</string>
@ -853,7 +852,7 @@
<string name="not_eng_mode_or_release">Tryb inżynierski nie włączony i nie pracuje wersja "kandydat do wydania" (RC)</string>
<string name="pump_basebasalrate">%.2f U/h</string>
<string name="combo_actvity_reading_basal_profile">Wczytuje profil bazowy</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">Historia pompy zmieniła się po wykonaniu obliczenia bolusa. Bolus nie został dostarczony. Proszę, przelicz ponownie, jeśli wciąż potrzebujesz bolusa. If the same bolus amount is required, please wait two minutes since boluses with the same amount are blocked when requested with less than two minutes between them for safety (regardless of whether they were administered or not).</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">Historia pompy zmieniła się po wykonaniu obliczenia bolusa. Bolus nie został dostarczony. Proszę, przelicz ponownie, jeśli wciąż potrzebujesz bolusa.</string>
<string name="combo_error_updating_treatment_record">Bolus został pomyślnie dostarczony, ale dodanie wpisu leczenia nie powiodło się. Może się to zdarzyć, jeśli w ciągu ostatnich dwóch minut podano dwa małe bolusy o tej samej wielkości. Sprawdź historię pompy i leczenie i użyj PortaluOpieki, aby dodać brakujące wpisy. Make sure not to add any entries for the exact same minute and same amount.</string>
<string name="combo_high_temp_rejected_due_to_pump_history_changes">Odrzucenie wysokiej dawki tymczasowej ponieważ w obliczeniach nie uwzględniono ostatnio zmienionej historii pompy</string>
<string name="combo_activity_checking_pump_state">Odświeżanie stanu pompy</string>

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@ -745,7 +745,6 @@
<string name="combo_error_no_connection_no_bolus_delivered">Pompa nu poate fi contactată. Nu s-a livrat niciun bolus</string>
<string name="combo_error_no_bolus_delivered">Livrare eșuată. Se pare că nu a fost livrat bolusul. Pentru siguranță, verificați în pompă pentru a evita bolusarea dublă. Pentru evitarea greșelilor, bolusurile nu sunt retrimise automat.</string>
<string name="combo_error_partial_bolus_delivered" formatted="false">Doar %.2f U din totalul cerut de %.2f U a fost livrat din cauza unei erori. Verificați pompa pentru confirmare și acționați corespunzător.</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">Livrarea bolusului și verificarea istoricului pompei a eșuat, verificați pompa și creați manual un bolus folosind Careportal, dacă a fost livrat un bolus.</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_recovery_progress">Revenire după pierderea conexiunii</string>
<string name="combo_reservoir_level_insufficient_for_bolus">Nu este suficientă insulină în rezervor</string>
<string name="extendedbolusdeliveryerror">Eroare de livrare a bolusului extins</string>
@ -848,7 +847,7 @@
<string name="not_eng_mode_or_release">Modul inginer nu este activat și nu este în versiunea lansată</string>
<string name="pump_basebasalrate" formatted="false">%.2f U/h</string>
<string name="combo_actvity_reading_basal_profile">Se citește profilul bazal</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">Istoricul pompei s-a schimbat după calcularea bolusului. Bolusul nu a fost livrat. Recalculați dacă mai este necesar un bolus. Dacă aceeași cantitate de bolus este necesară, așteptați două minute deoarece două bolusuri cu aceeași valoare nu sunt permise într-un interval mai mic de două minute, din rațiuni de siguranță (indiferent dacă au fost livrate sau nu).</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">Istoricul pompei s-a schimbat după calcularea bolusului. Bolusul nu a fost livrat. Recalculați dacă mai este necesar un bolus.</string>
<string name="combo_error_updating_treatment_record">Bolus livrat, dar nu s-a reușit înregistrarea evenimentului. Aceasta se poate întâmpla când două bolusuri mici de aceeași valoare sunt livrate în mai puțin de două minute. Verificați istoricul pompei și înregistrările tratamentelor și folosiți Careportal pentru adăugarea intrărilor lipsă. Asigurați-vă că nu adăugați intrări duble.</string>
<string name="combo_high_temp_rejected_due_to_pump_history_changes">Se respinge temporara mare deoarece calculul nu a luat în calcul istoricul recent schimbat din pompă</string>
<string name="combo_activity_checking_pump_state">Actualizare stare pompă</string>

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@ -729,7 +729,6 @@
<string name="combo_pump_tbr_cancelled_warrning">Varningen om avbruten tempbasal bekräftad</string>
<string name="combo_error_no_bolus_delivered">Bolus avbruten. Det verkar som om ingen bolus gavs. För att vara säker, vänligen kontrollera pumpen för att undvika dubbel bolus och prova sedan vid behov igen. För att förhindra fel orsakade av mjukvaran, försöker inte mjukvaran igen automatiskt.</string>
<string name="combo_error_partial_bolus_delivered">Endast %.2f enheter %.2f gavs pga ett fel. Vänligen verifiera på pumpen och vidta nödvändiga åtgärder.</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">Leverans av bolus och verifiering av historiken misslyckades. Vänligen kontrollera på pumpen och lägg till bolusen manuellt under Careportal om den gått fram.</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_recovery_progress">Återansluter efter att ha tappat kontakten</string>
<string name="combo_reservoir_level_insufficient_for_bolus">Inte tillräckligt med insulin i reservoaren för att ge bolus</string>
<string name="extendedbolusdeliveryerror">Förlängd bolus misslyckad</string>
@ -832,7 +831,7 @@
<string name="not_eng_mode_or_release">Engineering Mode inte aktiverat och appen körs inte som release</string>
<string name="pump_basebasalrate">%.2f E/h</string>
<string name="combo_actvity_reading_basal_profile">Läser basalprofil</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">Pumphistoriken ändrad efter att boluskalkylen gjordes. Bolusen har inte levererats. Vänligen gör en ny kalkyl vid behov. Om samma mängd insulin krävs, vänligen vänta två minuter eftersom appen begränsar likadana bolusar av säkerhetsskäl.</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">Pumphistoriken ändrad efter att boluskalkylen gjordes. Bolusen har inte levererats. Vänligen gör en ny kalkyl vid behov.</string>
<string name="combo_error_updating_treatment_record">Bolusen levererad, men det gick inte att lägga till den i loggen. Detta kan hända om två små bolusar ges inom två minuter. Vänligen kontrollera pumpens historik och Careportal och lägg till om det saknas. Se till att inte lägga till två bolusar med samma mängd och samma tid.</string>
<string name="combo_high_temp_rejected_due_to_pump_history_changes">Avböjer hög tempbasal eftersom kalkylen inte innefattade nyligen ändrad historik</string>
<string name="combo_activity_checking_pump_state">Uppdaterar pumpsstatus</string>

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@ -872,7 +872,7 @@
<string name="combo_error_no_connection_no_bolus_delivered">The pump could not be reached. No bolus was given</string>
<string name="combo_error_no_bolus_delivered">Bolus delivery failed. It appears no bolus was delivered. To be sure, please check the pump to avoid a double bolus and then bolus again. To guard against bugs, boluses are not automatically retried.</string>
<string name="combo_error_partial_bolus_delivered">Only %.2f U of the requested bolus of %.2f U was delivered due to an error. Please check the pump to verify this and take appropriate actions.</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">Delivering the bolus and verifying the pump\'s history failed, please check the pump and manually create a bolus record using the Careportal tab if a bolus was delivered.</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_verification_failed">Delivering the bolus and verifying the pump\'s history failed, please check the pump and manually. If a bolus was delivered, it will be added to treatments during the next connection to the pump.</string>
<string name="combo_error_bolus_recovery_progress">Recovering from connection loss</string>
<string name="combo_reservoir_level_insufficient_for_bolus">Not enough insulin for bolus left in reservoir</string>
<string name="extendedbolusdeliveryerror">Extended bolus delivery error</string>
@ -996,7 +996,7 @@
<string name="not_eng_mode_or_release">Engineering mode not enabled and not on release branch</string>
<string name="pump_basebasalrate">%.2f U/h</string>
<string name="combo_actvity_reading_basal_profile">Reading basal profile</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">The pump history has changed after the bolus calculation was performed. The bolus was not delivered. Please recalculate if a bolus is still needed. If the same bolus amount is required, please wait two minutes since boluses with the same amount are blocked when requested with less than two minutes between them for safety (regardless of whether they were administered or not).</string>
<string name="combo_bolus_rejected_due_to_pump_history_change">The pump history has changed after the bolus calculation was performed. The bolus was not delivered. Please recalculate if a bolus is still needed.</string>
<string name="combo_error_updating_treatment_record">Bolus successfully delivered, but adding the treatment entry failed. This can happen if two small boluses of the same size are administered within the last two minutes. Please check the pump history and treatment entries and use the Careportal to add missing entries. Make sure not to add any entries for the exact same minute and same amount.</string>
<string name="combo_high_temp_rejected_due_to_pump_history_changes">Rejecting high temp since calculation didn\'t consider recently changed pump history</string>
<string name="combo_activity_checking_pump_state">Refreshing pump state</string>