Medtrum: Add more tests to GetRecordPacketTest
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 306 additions and 2 deletions
@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ enum class BasalEndReason {
fun isSuspendedByPump(): Boolean {
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ class GetRecordPacket(injector: HasAndroidInjector, private val recordIndex: Int
// Never seen a packet like this from a pump, even when suspended by app, but leave it in just in case
val duration = (basalEndTime - basalStartTime)
val newRecord = pumpSync.syncTemporaryBasalWithPumpId(
timestamp = basalEndTime,
timestamp = basalStartTime,
rate = 0.0,
duration = duration,
isAbsolute = true,
@ -2,19 +2,31 @@ package info.nightscout.pump.medtrum.comm.packets
import info.nightscout.interfaces.pump.DetailedBolusInfo
import info.nightscout.interfaces.pump.DetailedBolusInfoStorage
import info.nightscout.interfaces.pump.PumpSync
import info.nightscout.pump.medtrum.MedtrumTestBase
import info.nightscout.shared.utils.T
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.mockito.Mock
import org.mockito.Mockito
import org.mockito.Mockito.mock
class GetRecordPacketTest : MedtrumTestBase() {
/** Test packet specific behavior */
@Mock private lateinit var detailedBolusInfoStorage: DetailedBolusInfoStorage
private val packetInjector = HasAndroidInjector {
AndroidInjector {
if (it is GetRecordPacket) {
it.aapsLogger = aapsLogger
it.medtrumPump = medtrumPump
it.pumpSync = pumpSync
it.detailedBolusInfoStorage = detailedBolusInfoStorage
it.dateUtil = dateUtil
@ -58,4 +70,296 @@ class GetRecordPacketTest : MedtrumTestBase() {
Assertions.assertEquals(false, result)
Assertions.assertEquals(true, packet.failed)
@Test fun handleResponseGivenBolusRecordWhenAndDetailedBolusInfoPresentThenExpectPumpSyncWithTempId() {
val data = byteArrayOf(47, 99, 10, 1, 0, 0, -86, 40, 1, -1, 38, 105, -77, 57, 56, 0, 29, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -82, -85, 62, 18, 22, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76)
val timestamp = 1694631470000L
val bolusType = DetailedBolusInfo.BolusType.SMB
val amount = 1.1
// Mocks
val detailedBolusInfo: DetailedBolusInfo = mock(
detailedBolusInfo.timestamp = timestamp // Wierd way to mock but this is a @JvmField
Mockito.`when`(detailedBolusInfoStorage.findDetailedBolusInfo(timestamp, amount)).thenReturn(detailedBolusInfo)
// Call
val packet = GetRecordPacket(packetInjector, 0)
val result = packet.handleResponse(data)
// Expected values
timestamp = timestamp,
amount = amount,
temporaryId = timestamp,
type = bolusType,
pumpId = timestamp,
pumpType = medtrumPump.pumpType(),
pumpSerial = medtrumPump.pumpSN.toString(radix = 16)
Assertions.assertEquals(true, result)
Assertions.assertEquals(false, packet.failed)
Assertions.assertEquals(timestamp, medtrumPump.lastBolusTime)
Assertions.assertEquals(amount, medtrumPump.lastBolusAmount, 0.01)
@Test fun handleResponseGivenBolusRecordWhenAndNoDetailedBolusInfoPresentThenExpectPumpSyncWithPumpId() {
val data = byteArrayOf(47, 99, 10, 1, 0, 0, -86, 40, 1, -1, 38, 105, -77, 57, 56, 0, 29, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -82, -85, 62, 18, 22, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76)
val timestamp = 1694631470000L
val amount = 1.1
// Mocks
Mockito.`when`(detailedBolusInfoStorage.findDetailedBolusInfo(timestamp, amount)).thenReturn(null)
// Call
val packet = GetRecordPacket(packetInjector, 0)
val result = packet.handleResponse(data)
// Expected values
timestamp = timestamp,
amount = amount,
type = null,
pumpId = timestamp,
pumpType = medtrumPump.pumpType(),
pumpSerial = medtrumPump.pumpSN.toString(radix = 16)
Assertions.assertEquals(true, result)
Assertions.assertEquals(false, packet.failed)
Assertions.assertEquals(timestamp, medtrumPump.lastBolusTime)
Assertions.assertEquals(amount, medtrumPump.lastBolusAmount, 0.01)
@Test fun handleResponseGivenExtendedBolusRecordThenExpectPumpSyncWithPumpId() {
val data = byteArrayOf(47, 99, 5, 1, 0, 0, -86, 40, 1, -1, 38, 105, -77, 57, 63, 0, 6, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -22, -123, 67, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0, 30, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -124)
val timestamp = 1694949482000
val amount = 1.25
val duration = T.mins(30).msecs()
// Call
val packet = GetRecordPacket(packetInjector, 0)
val result = packet.handleResponse(data)
// Expected values
timestamp = timestamp,
amount = amount,
duration = duration,
isEmulatingTB = false,
pumpId = timestamp,
pumpType = medtrumPump.pumpType(),
pumpSerial = medtrumPump.pumpSN.toString(radix = 16)
Assertions.assertEquals(true, result)
Assertions.assertEquals(false, packet.failed)
@Test fun handleResponseGivenComboBolusRecordWhenAndNoDetailedBolusInfoPresentThenExpectPumpSyncWithPumpId() {
val data = byteArrayOf(47, 99, 5, 1, 0, 0, -86, 40, 1, -1, 38, 105, -77, 57, 63, 0, 8, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 111, -110, 67, 18, 40, 0, 40, 0, 20, 0, 30, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -122)
val timestamp = 1694952687000L
val amountDirect = 2.0
val amountExtended = 1.0
val duration = T.mins(30).msecs()
// Mocks
Mockito.`when`(detailedBolusInfoStorage.findDetailedBolusInfo(timestamp, amountDirect)).thenReturn(null)
// Call
val packet = GetRecordPacket(packetInjector, 0)
val result = packet.handleResponse(data)
// Expected values
timestamp = timestamp,
amount = amountDirect,
type = null,
pumpId = timestamp,
pumpType = medtrumPump.pumpType(),
pumpSerial = medtrumPump.pumpSN.toString(radix = 16)
timestamp = timestamp,
amount = amountExtended,
duration = duration,
isEmulatingTB = false,
pumpId = timestamp,
pumpType = medtrumPump.pumpType(),
pumpSerial = medtrumPump.pumpSN.toString(radix = 16)
Assertions.assertEquals(true, result)
Assertions.assertEquals(false, packet.failed)
@Test fun handleResponseGivenBasalRecordWhenAbsoluteTempThenExpectPumpSync() {
val data = byteArrayOf(35, 99, 7, 1, 0, 0, -86, 28, 2, -1, 38, 105, -77, 57, 56, 0, 30, 0, -85, -85, 62, 18, -34, -84, 62, 18, 6, 0, 69, 0, 6, 0, 69, 0, -125)
val startTime = 1694631467000
val endTime = 1694631774000
val rate = 3.45
val duration = endTime - startTime
// Call
val packet = GetRecordPacket(packetInjector, 0)
val result = packet.handleResponse(data)
// Expected values
timestamp = startTime,
rate = rate,
duration = duration,
isAbsolute = true,
type = PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.NORMAL,
pumpId = startTime,
pumpType = medtrumPump.pumpType(),
pumpSerial = medtrumPump.pumpSN.toString(radix = 16)
Assertions.assertEquals(true, result)
Assertions.assertEquals(false, packet.failed)
@Test fun handleResponseGivenBasalRecordWhenRelativeTempThenExpectPumpSync() {
val data = byteArrayOf(35, 99, 7, 1, 0, 0, -86, 28, 2, -1, 38, 105, -77, 57, 63, 0, 4, 0, -116, -123, 67, 18, 81, -119, 67, 18, 7, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, -56, 0, 1)
val startTime = 1694949388000
val endTime = 1694950353000
val rate = 200.0
val duration = endTime - startTime
// Call
val packet = GetRecordPacket(packetInjector, 0)
val result = packet.handleResponse(data)
// Expected values
timestamp = startTime,
rate = rate,
duration = duration,
isAbsolute = false,
type = PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.NORMAL,
pumpId = startTime,
pumpType = medtrumPump.pumpType(),
pumpSerial = medtrumPump.pumpSN.toString(radix = 16)
Assertions.assertEquals(true, result)
Assertions.assertEquals(false, packet.failed)
@Test fun handleResponseGivenBasalRecordWhenSuspendThenExpectPumpSync() {
// Note: This is not a real response as I was unable to get this response from any of my pumpbases, but it can theoretically happen
val data = byteArrayOf(35, 99, 7, 1, 0, 0, -86, 28, 2, -1, -39, -7, 118, -86, -85, 1, 8, 0, -4, 116, -16, 17, 21, 125, -16, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 125)
val startTime = 1689505660000
val endTime = 1689507733000
val rate = 0.0
val duration = endTime - startTime
// Call
val packet = GetRecordPacket(packetInjector, 0)
val result = packet.handleResponse(data)
// Expected values
timestamp = startTime,
rate = rate,
duration = duration,
isAbsolute = true,
type = PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.PUMP_SUSPEND,
pumpId = startTime,
pumpType = medtrumPump.pumpType(),
pumpSerial = medtrumPump.pumpSN.toString(radix = 16)
Assertions.assertEquals(true, result)
Assertions.assertEquals(false, packet.failed)
@Test fun handleResponseGivenBasalRecordWhenStandardAndSuspendEndReasonThenExpectPumpSync() {
val data = byteArrayOf(35, 99, 8, 1, 0, 0, -86, 28, 2, -1, -39, -7, 118, -86, -85, 1, 4, 0, -117, 113, -16, 17, 9, 116, -16, 17, 1, 4, 10, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 57)
val endTime = 1689505417000
// Call
val packet = GetRecordPacket(packetInjector, 0)
val result = packet.handleResponse(data)
// Just check the pumpSync here, rest of the behavoir of medtrumPump is tested in MedtrumPumpTest
// Expected values
timestamp = endTime,
rate = 0.0,
duration = T.mins(4800L).msecs(),
isAbsolute = true,
type = PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.PUMP_SUSPEND,
pumpId = endTime,
pumpType = medtrumPump.pumpType(),
pumpSerial = medtrumPump.pumpSN.toString(radix = 16)
Assertions.assertEquals(true, result)
Assertions.assertEquals(false, packet.failed)
@Test fun handleResponseGivenBasalRecordWhenTempAndSuspendEndReasonThenExpectPumpSync() {
val data = byteArrayOf(35, 99, 8, 1, 0, 0, -86, 28, 2, -1, -39, -7, 118, -86, -82, 1, 5, 0, 75, 24, -14, 17, 44, 27, -14, 17, 6, 4, 16, 0, 3, 0, 16, 0, -73)
val endTime = 1689613740000
// Call
val packet = GetRecordPacket(packetInjector, 0)
val result = packet.handleResponse(data)
// Just check the pumpSync here, rest of the behavoir of medtrumPump is tested in MedtrumPumpTest
// Expected values
timestamp = endTime,
rate = 0.0,
duration = T.mins(4800L).msecs(),
isAbsolute = true,
type = PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.PUMP_SUSPEND,
pumpId = endTime,
pumpType = medtrumPump.pumpType(),
pumpSerial = medtrumPump.pumpSN.toString(radix = 16)
Assertions.assertEquals(true, result)
Assertions.assertEquals(false, packet.failed)
@Test fun handleResponseGivenTDDRecordThenExpectPumpSync() {
val data = byteArrayOf(
87, 99, 8, 1, 0, 0, -86, 80, 9, -1, 38, 105, -77, 57, 56, 0, 82, 0, -32, -124, 61, 18, 120, 0, -120, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, -102, -103, 84, 66, 0, 0,
-120, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102, -26, -128, 66, 58, -52, -75, 63, 0, 0, -16, 66, -49, -9, -13, 63, -103, -103, 121, 66, 55,
-75, -84, 63, 0, 0, -16, 66, -49, -9, -13, 63, 0, 0, 0, 0, -128
val timestamp = 1694556000000L
val tdd = 53.150001525878906
val basalTdd = 17.0
val bolusTdd = tdd - basalTdd
// Call
val packet = GetRecordPacket(packetInjector, 0)
val result = packet.handleResponse(data)
// Expected values
timestamp = timestamp,
bolusAmount = bolusTdd,
basalAmount = basalTdd,
totalAmount = tdd,
pumpId = timestamp,
pumpType = medtrumPump.pumpType(),
pumpSerial = medtrumPump.pumpSN.toString(radix = 16)
Assertions.assertEquals(true, result)
Assertions.assertEquals(false, packet.failed)
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