CustomWF add enum for font, style and gravity management

This commit is contained in:
Philoul 2023-08-16 10:49:16 +02:00
parent 5bf787bdc0
commit 2c383bbee0

View file

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import android.widget.FrameLayout
import android.widget.ImageView
import android.widget.TextView
import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes
import androidx.annotation.FontRes
import androidx.annotation.IdRes
import androidx.annotation.StringRes
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat
@ -57,6 +58,10 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
private var lowBatColor = Color.RED
private var bgColor = Color.WHITE
override fun onCreate() {
override fun inflateLayout(inflater: LayoutInflater): ViewBinding {
@ -78,7 +83,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
override fun setDataFields() {
// rotate the second hand.
binding.secondHand.rotation = TimeOfDay().secondOfMinute * 6f
// rotate the minute hand.
@ -86,6 +91,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
// rotate the hour hand.
binding.hourHand.rotation = TimeOfDay().hourOfDay * 30f + TimeOfDay().minuteOfHour * 0.5f
override fun setColorDark() {
@ -164,10 +170,10 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
if (view is TextView) {
view.rotation = if (viewjson.has("rotation")) viewjson.getInt("rotation").toFloat() else 0F
view.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, ((if (viewjson.has("textsize")) viewjson.getInt("textsize") else 22) * zoomFactor).toFloat())
view.gravity = setGravity(if (viewjson.has("gravity")) viewjson.getString("gravity") else "center")
view.gravity = GravityMap.gravity(if (viewjson.has("gravity")) viewjson.getString("gravity") else GravityMap.CENTER.key)
setFont(if (viewjson.has("font")) viewjson.getString("font") else "sans-serif"),
setStyle(if (viewjson.has("fontStyle")) viewjson.getString("fontStyle") else "normal")
FontMap.font(if (viewjson.has("font")) viewjson.getString("font") else FontMap.DEFAULT.key), (viewjson.has("fontStyle")) viewjson.getString("fontStyle") else StyleMap.NORMAL.key)
if (viewjson.has("fontColor"))
@ -245,9 +251,9 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
.put("rotation", view.rotation.toInt())
.put("visibility", getVisibility(view.visibility))
.put("textsize", view.textSize.toInt())
.put("gravity", getGravity(view.gravity))
.put("font", getFont(view.typeface))
.put("fontStyle", getStyle(
.put("gravity", GravityMap.key(view.gravity))
.put("font", FontMap.key())
.put("fontStyle", StyleMap.key(
.put("fontColor", String.format("#%06X", 0xFFFFFF and view.currentTextColor))
@ -309,62 +315,6 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
else -> "gone"
private fun setGravity(gravity: String): Int = when (gravity) {
"center" -> Gravity.CENTER
"left" -> Gravity.LEFT
"right" -> Gravity.RIGHT
else -> Gravity.CENTER
private fun getGravity(gravity: Int): String = when (gravity) {
Gravity.CENTER -> "center"
Gravity.LEFT -> "left"
Gravity.RIGHT -> "right"
else -> "center"
private fun setFont(font: String): Typeface = when (font) {
"sans-serif" -> Typeface.SANS_SERIF
"default" -> Typeface.DEFAULT
"default-bold" -> Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
"monospace" -> Typeface.MONOSPACE
"serif" -> Typeface.SERIF
"roboto-condensed-bold" -> ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, R.font.roboto_condensed_bold)!!
"roboto-condensed-light" -> ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, R.font.roboto_condensed_light)!!
"roboto-condensed-regular" -> ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, R.font.roboto_condensed_regular)!!
"roboto-slab-light" -> ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, R.font.roboto_slab_light)!!
else -> Typeface.DEFAULT
private fun getFont(font: Typeface): String = when (font) {
Typeface.SANS_SERIF -> "sans-serif"
Typeface.DEFAULT -> "default"
Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD -> "default-bold"
Typeface.MONOSPACE -> "monospace"
Typeface.SERIF -> "serif"
ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, R.font.roboto_condensed_bold)!! -> "roboto-condensed-bold"
ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, R.font.roboto_condensed_light)!! -> "roboto-condensed-light"
ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, R.font.roboto_condensed_regular)!! -> "roboto-condensed-regular"
ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, R.font.roboto_slab_light)!! -> "roboto-slab-light"
else -> "default"
private fun setStyle(style: String): Int = when (style) {
"normal" -> Typeface.NORMAL
"bold" -> Typeface.BOLD
"bold-italic" -> Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC
"italic" -> Typeface.ITALIC
else -> Typeface.NORMAL
private fun getStyle(style: Int): String = when (style) {
Typeface.NORMAL -> "normal"
Typeface.BOLD -> "bold"
Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC -> "bold-italic"
Typeface.ITALIC -> "italic"
else -> "normal"
fun getResourceByteArray(resourceId: Int): ByteArray? {
val inputStream = resources.openRawResource(resourceId)
val byteArrayOutputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
@ -412,7 +362,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
enum class CustomViews(val key: String, @IdRes val id: Int, @StringRes val pref: Int?) {
private enum class CustomViews(val key: String, @IdRes val id: Int, @StringRes val pref: Int?) {
BACKGROUND(CustomWatchfaceDrawableDataKey.BACKGROUND.key,, null),
CHART("chart",, null),
@ -447,17 +397,16 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
SECOND_HAND(CustomWatchfaceDrawableDataKey.SECONDHAND.key,, R.string.key_show_seconds);
companion object {
fun fromKey(key: String): CustomViews? = values().firstOrNull { it.key == key }
fun fromId(id: Int): CustomViews? = values().firstOrNull { == id }
fun visibility(sp: SP): Boolean = this.pref?.let { sp.getBoolean(it, true) }
?: true
enum class TrendArrow(val text: String, val symbol: String,@DrawableRes val icon: Int) {
private enum class TrendArrow(val text: String, val symbol: String, @DrawableRes val icon: Int) {
NONE("NONE", "??", R.drawable.ic_invalid),
TRIPLE_UP("TripleUp", "X", R.drawable.ic_doubleup),
DOUBLE_UP("DoubleUp", "\u21c8", R.drawable.ic_doubleup),
@ -471,8 +420,52 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
companion object {
fun fromSymbol(direction: String?) =
values().firstOrNull { it.symbol == direction } ?: NONE
fun icon(direction: String?) = values().firstOrNull { it.symbol == direction }?.icon ?: NONE.icon
private enum class GravityMap(val key: String, val gravity: Int) {
CENTER("center", Gravity.CENTER),
LEFT("left", Gravity.LEFT),
RIGHT("right", Gravity.RIGHT);
companion object {
fun gravity(key: String?) = values().firstOrNull { it.key == key }?.gravity ?: CENTER.gravity
fun key(gravity: Int) = values().firstOrNull { it.gravity == gravity }?.key ?: CENTER.key
private enum class FontMap(val key: String, var font: Typeface, @FontRes val fontRessources: Int?) {
SANS_SERIF("sans-serif", Typeface.SANS_SERIF, null),
DEFAULT("default", Typeface.DEFAULT, null),
DEFAULT_BOLD("default-bold", Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, null),
MONOSPACE("monospace", Typeface.MONOSPACE, null),
SERIF("serif", Typeface.SERIF, null),
ROBOTO_CONDENSED_BOLD("roboto-condensed-bold", Typeface.DEFAULT, R.font.roboto_condensed_bold),
ROBOTO_CONDENSED_LIGHT("roboto-condensed-light", Typeface.DEFAULT, R.font.roboto_condensed_light),
ROBOTO_CONDENSED_REGULAR("roboto-condensed-regular", Typeface.DEFAULT, R.font.roboto_condensed_regular),
ROBOTO_SLAB_LIGHT("roboto-slab-light", Typeface.DEFAULT, R.font.roboto_slab_light);
companion object {
fun init(context: Context) = values().forEach { it.font = it.fontRessources?.let { font -> ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, font) } ?: it.font }
fun font(key: String) = values().firstOrNull { it.key == key }?.font ?: DEFAULT.font
fun key() = DEFAULT.key
private enum class StyleMap(val key: String, val style: Int) {
NORMAL("normal", Typeface.NORMAL),
BOLD("bold", Typeface.BOLD),
BOLD_ITALIC("bold-italic", Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC),
ITALIC("italic", Typeface.ITALIC);
companion object {
fun style(key: String?) = values().firstOrNull { it.key == key }?.style ?:
fun key(style: Int) = values().firstOrNull { == style }?.key ?: NORMAL.key