comboctl-main: Parse ext bolus main screen instead of throwing exception
To support extended and multiwave boluses in the future, it is necessary to properly parse the main screen when it shows extended/multiwave content. This requires some rework. Most notably, the code needs to be changed to no longer throw ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolusActiveException. One problem with extended/multiwave content on the main screen is that it does not show TBR details (percentage & remaining duration). For this reason, it is necessary to actually navigate to the TBR percentage screen and read those value there. This means that the setTbr() call is slower when an extended/multiwave bolus is ongoing, but better to be slower than to omit post-setTbr checks that may catch rare errors. Signed-off-by: Carlos Rafael Giani <>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 113 additions and 72 deletions
@ -454,27 +454,25 @@ class Pump(
* If no TBR is active, [actualTbrDuration] is 0. If no TBR was expected to be active,
* [expectedTbrDuration] is 0.
* [actualTbrPercentage] and [actualTbrDuration] are both null if a multiwave or extended
* bolus is active because the exact TBR percentage / duration are not shown on screen then.
class UnexpectedTbrStateException(
val expectedTbrPercentage: Int,
val expectedTbrDuration: Int,
val actualTbrPercentage: Int,
val actualTbrDuration: Int
val actualTbrPercentage: Int?,
val actualTbrDuration: Int?
) : ComboException(
if (actualTbrPercentage != null)
"Expected TBR: $expectedTbrPercentage% $expectedTbrDuration minutes ; " +
"actual TBR: $actualTbrPercentage% $actualTbrDuration minutes"
else if (expectedTbrPercentage == 100)
"Did not expect a TBR during active extended/multiwave bolus, observed one"
"Expected a TBR during active extended/multiwave bolus, did not observe one"
* Exception thrown when the main screen shows information about an active extended / multiwave bolus.
* These bolus type are currently not supported and cannot be handled properly.
* @property bolusInfo Information about the detected extended / multiwave bolus.
class ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolusActiveException(val bolusInfo: MainScreenContent.ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolus) :
ComboException("Extended or multiwave bolus is active; bolus info: $bolusInfo")
* Reason for a standard bolus delivery.
@ -894,8 +892,6 @@ class Pump(
* @throws SettingPumpDatetimeFailedException if during the checks,
* the pump's datetime was found to be deviating too much from the
* actual current datetime, and adjusting the pump's datetime failed.
* @throws ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolusActiveException if an extended / multiwave
* bolus is active (these are shown on the main screen).
suspend fun connect(maxNumAttempts: Int? = DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_REGULAR_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS) {
check(stateFlow.value == State.Disconnected) { "Attempted to connect to pump in the ${stateFlow.value} state" }
@ -933,7 +929,6 @@ class Pump(
// failed. That's because these exceptions indicate hard errors that
// must be reported ASAP and disallow more connection attempts, at
// least attempts without notifying the user.
is ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolusActiveException,
is SettingPumpDatetimeFailedException,
is AlertScreenException -> {
setState(State.Error(throwable = e, "Connection error"))
@ -1233,10 +1228,6 @@ class Pump(
* @throws UnexpectedTbrStateException if the TBR that is actually active
* after this function finishes does not match the specified percentage
* and duration.
* @throws ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolusActiveException if an extended / multiwave
* bolus is active after setting the TBR. (This should not normally happen,
* since it is not possible for users to set such a bolus while also setting
* the TBR, but is included for completeness.)
* @throws IllegalStateException if the current state is not
* [State.ReadyForCommands], or if the pump is suspended after setting the TBR.
* @throws AlertScreenException if alerts occurs during this call, and they
@ -1306,7 +1297,7 @@ class Pump(
} else {
// Current status shows that there is no TBR ongoing. This is
// therefore a redunant call. Handle this by expecting a 100%
// therefore a redundant call. Handle this by expecting a 100%
// basal rate to make sure the checks below don't throw anything.
expectedTbrPercentage = 100
expectedTbrDuration = 0
@ -1337,56 +1328,77 @@ class Pump(
is ParsedScreen.MainScreen -> mainScreen.content
else -> throw NoUsableRTScreenException()
val (actualTbrPercentage, actualTbrDuration) = when (mainScreenContent) {
is MainScreenContent.Stopped ->
// This should never be reached. The Combo can switch to the Stopped
// state on its own, but only if an error occurs, and errors are
// already caught by ParsedDisplayFrameStream.getParsedDisplayFrame().
throw IllegalStateException("Combo is in the stopped state after setting TBR")
is MainScreenContent.ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolus -> {
if (mainScreenContent.tbrIsActive) {
// We have to go into the TBR menu to get details about the active TBR;
// the main screen does not show them when an extended/multiwave bolus
// is currently ongoing.
} else {
Pair(100, 0)
is MainScreenContent.Normal ->
Pair(100, 0)
is MainScreenContent.Tbr ->
Pair(mainScreenContent.tbrPercentage, mainScreenContent.remainingTbrDurationInMinutes)
logger(LogLevel.DEBUG) {
"Main screen content after setting TBR: $mainScreenContent; expected TBR " +
"percentage / duration: $expectedTbrPercentage / $expectedTbrDuration"
when (mainScreenContent) {
is MainScreenContent.Stopped ->
throw IllegalStateException("Combo is in the stopped state after setting TBR")
is MainScreenContent.ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolus ->
throw ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolusActiveException(mainScreenContent)
val tbrVisibleOnMainScreen = when (mainScreenContent) {
is MainScreenContent.Tbr -> true
is MainScreenContent.ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolus -> mainScreenContent.tbrIsActive
else -> false
is MainScreenContent.Normal -> {
if ((expectedTbrPercentage != 100) && (expectedTbrDuration >= 2)) {
// We expected a TBR to be active, but there isn't any;
// we aren't seen any TBR main screen contents.
// Only consider this an error if the duration is >2 minutes.
// Otherwise, this was a TBR that was about to end, so it
// might have ended while these checks here were running.
// Verify that the TBR state is OK according to these criteria:
// 1. TBR percentages match and the different between expected and actual duration is <= 4 minutes.
// (Allow for the 4-minute tolerance since a little while may have passed between setting the
// TBR and reaching this location in the code.)
// 2. We expected a TBR to be active, but the main screen shows no TBR. If the expected TBR
// duration is <2 minutes, then this is still considered OK. That's because the TBR might
// have been one that was about to end, so while this code was ongoing, it may have ended.
// In any other case, assume that the TBR that is active is not OK.
val tbrStateIsOk =
if ((expectedTbrPercentage == actualTbrPercentage) && ((expectedTbrDuration - actualTbrDuration).absoluteValue <= 4)) {
logger(LogLevel.DEBUG) { "TBR percentages and durations match" }
} else if (!tbrVisibleOnMainScreen && (expectedTbrPercentage != 100) && (expectedTbrDuration < 2)) {
logger(LogLevel.DEBUG) { "Almost-expired TBR no longer visible on screen; assumed to have ended in the meantime" }
} else {
logger(LogLevel.ERROR) {
"Mismatch between expected TBR and actually active TBR; " +
"expected TBR percentage / duration: $expectedTbrPercentage / $expectedTbrDuration; " +
"actual TBR: percentage / remaining duration: $actualTbrPercentage / $actualTbrDuration"
if (!tbrStateIsOk) {
throw UnexpectedTbrStateException(
expectedTbrPercentage = expectedTbrPercentage,
expectedTbrDuration = expectedTbrDuration,
actualTbrPercentage = 100,
actualTbrDuration = 0
actualTbrPercentage = actualTbrPercentage,
actualTbrDuration = actualTbrDuration
is MainScreenContent.Tbr -> {
if (expectedTbrPercentage == 100) {
// We expected the TBR to be cancelled, but it isn't.
throw UnexpectedTbrStateException(
expectedTbrPercentage = 100,
expectedTbrDuration = 0,
actualTbrPercentage = mainScreenContent.tbrPercentage,
actualTbrDuration = mainScreenContent.remainingTbrDurationInMinutes
} else if ((expectedTbrDuration - mainScreenContent.remainingTbrDurationInMinutes) > 2) {
// The current TBR duration does not match the programmed one.
// We allow a tolerance range of 2 minutes since a little while
// may have passed between setting the TBR and reaching this
// location in the code.
throw UnexpectedTbrStateException(
expectedTbrPercentage = expectedTbrPercentage,
expectedTbrDuration = expectedTbrDuration,
actualTbrPercentage = mainScreenContent.tbrPercentage,
actualTbrDuration = mainScreenContent.remainingTbrDurationInMinutes
return@executeCommand result
@ -1457,11 +1469,6 @@ class Pump(
* [State.ReadyForCommands].
* @throws AlertScreenException if alerts occurs during this call, and they
* aren't a W6 warning (those are handled by this function).
* @throws ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolusActiveException if an extended / multiwave
* bolus is active after delivering this standard bolus. (This should not
* normally happen, since it is not possible for users to set such a bolus
* while also delivering a standard bolus the TBR, but is included for
* completeness.)
suspend fun deliverBolus(bolusAmount: Int, bolusReason: StandardBolusReason, bolusStatusUpdateIntervalInMs: Long = 250) = executeCommand(
// Instruct executeCommand() to not set the mode on its own.
@ -1791,8 +1798,6 @@ class Pump(
* [State.Suspended] or [State.ReadyForCommands].
* @throws AlertScreenException if alerts occurs during this call, and
* they aren't a W6 warning (those are handled by this function).
* @throws ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolusActiveException if an extended / multiwave
* bolus is active (these are shown on the main screen).
suspend fun updateStatus() = updateStatusImpl(
allowExecutionWhileSuspended = true,
@ -3197,6 +3202,23 @@ class Pump(
private suspend fun lookupActiveTbrDetails(): Pair<Int, Int> {
// Go to the TBR percentage screen, which shows both percentage and remaining duration.
val tbrPercentageScreen = navigateToRTScreen(
) as? ParsedScreen.TemporaryBasalRatePercentageScreen ?: throw NoUsableRTScreenException()
// The getParsedDisplayFrame() calls inside navigateToRTScreen()
// should already filter out blinked-out screens.
// Now get back to the main menu to return back to the initial state.
navigateToRTScreen(rtNavigationContext, ParsedScreen.MainScreen::class, pumpSuspended)
return Pair(tbrPercentageScreen.percentage ?: 100, tbrPercentageScreen.remainingDurationInMinutes ?: 0)
private suspend fun updateStatusByReadingMainAndQuickinfoScreens(switchStatesIfNecessary: Boolean) {
val mainScreen = navigateToRTScreen(rtNavigationContext, ParsedScreen.MainScreen::class, pumpSuspended)
@ -3270,8 +3292,27 @@ class Pump(
is MainScreenContent.ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolus ->
throw ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolusActiveException(mainScreenContent)
is MainScreenContent.ExtendedOrMultiwaveBolus -> {
val (tbrPercentage, remainingTbrDurationInMinutes) = if (mainScreenContent.tbrIsActive) {
} else {
Pair(100, 0)
availableUnitsInReservoir = quickinfo.availableUnits,
activeBasalProfileNumber = mainScreenContent.activeBasalProfileNumber,
currentBasalRateFactor = if (tbrPercentage != 0)
mainScreenContent.currentBasalRateFactor * 100 / tbrPercentage
tbrOngoing = (tbrPercentage != 100),
remainingTbrDurationInMinutes = remainingTbrDurationInMinutes,
tbrPercentage = tbrPercentage,
reservoirState = quickinfo.reservoirState,
batteryState = mainScreenContent.batteryState
if (switchStatesIfNecessary) {
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