Better calculation for Absolute basal from Tebbe
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1 changed files with 58 additions and 1 deletions
@ -454,6 +454,61 @@ public class InsightPumpPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface, Constraints
public PumpEnactResult setTempBasalAbsolute(Double absoluteRate, Integer durationInMinutes, boolean enforceNew) {
absoluteRate = Helpers.roundDouble(absoluteRate, 3);
log("Set TBR absolute: " + absoluteRate);
final double base_basal = getBaseBasalRate();
if (base_basal == 0) {
log("Base basal rate appears to be zero!");
return pumpEnactFailure();
int amount = (int) Math.round(100d / base_basal * absoluteRate);
log("Calculated requested rate: " + absoluteRate + " base rate: " + base_basal + " percentage: " + amount + "%");
amount = (int) Math.round(((double) amount) / 10d) * 10;
log("Calculated final rate: " + amount + "%");
if (amount > 250) amount = 250;
final SetTBRTaskRunner task = new SetTBRTaskRunner(connector.getServiceConnector(), amount, durationInMinutes);
final UUID cmd = aSyncTaskRunner(task, "Set TBR abs: " + absoluteRate + " " + durationInMinutes + "m");
if (cmd == null) {
return pumpEnactFailure();
Mstatus ms = async.busyWaitForCommandResult(cmd, BUSY_WAIT_TIME);
log("Got command status: " + ms);
PumpEnactResult pumpEnactResult = new PumpEnactResult().enacted(true).isPercent(false).duration(durationInMinutes);
pumpEnactResult.absolute = absoluteRate; // TODO get converted value?
pumpEnactResult.success = ms.success();
pumpEnactResult.isTempCancel = false; // do we test this here?
pumpEnactResult.comment = ms.getCommandComment();
if (pumpEnactResult.success) {
// create log entry
final TemporaryBasal tempBasal = new TemporaryBasal();
|||| = System.currentTimeMillis();
tempBasal.isAbsolute = true;
tempBasal.absoluteRate = base_basal / 100d * ((double) amount); // is this the correct figure to use?
tempBasal.durationInMinutes = durationInMinutes;
tempBasal.source = Source.USER;
if (Config.logPumpComm)
log.debug("Setting temp basal absolute: " + pumpEnactResult.success);
lastDataTime = new Date();
return pumpEnactResult;
public PumpEnactResult setTempBasalAbsoluteOld(Double absoluteRate, Integer durationInMinutes, boolean enforceNew) {
absoluteRate = Helpers.roundDouble(absoluteRate, 3);
log("Set TBR absolute: " + absoluteRate);
final AbsoluteTBRTaskRunner task = new AbsoluteTBRTaskRunner(connector.getServiceConnector(), absoluteRate, durationInMinutes);
final UUID cmd = aSyncTaskRunner(task, "Set TBR abs: " + absoluteRate + " " + durationInMinutes + "m");
@ -500,11 +555,13 @@ public class InsightPumpPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface, Constraints
public PumpEnactResult setTempBasalPercent(Integer percent, Integer durationInMinutes, boolean enforceNew) {
log("Set TBR %");
percent = (int) Math.round(((double) percent) / 10d) * 10;
if (percent == 100) {
// This would cause a cancel if a tbr is in progress so treat as a cancel
return cancelTempBasal(false);
final UUID cmd = aSyncTaskRunner(new SetTBRTaskRunner(connector.getServiceConnector(), percent, durationInMinutes), "Set TBR " + percent + "%" + " " + durationInMinutes + "m");
if (cmd == null) {
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