Wear CWF Reduce code complexity and include TwinView Feature
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 84 additions and 67 deletions
@ -251,7 +251,10 @@ enum class JsonKeys(val key: String) {
enum class JsonKeyValues(val key: String) {
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
private val TEMPLATE_RESOLUTION = 400
private var lowBatColor = Color.RED
private var resDataMap: CwfResDataMap = mutableMapOf()
private var json = JSONObject()
private var jsonString = ""
private val bgColor: Int
get() = when (singleBg.sgvLevel) {
@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
customWatchface?.let {
try {
val json = JSONObject(it.customWatchfaceData.json)
json = JSONObject(it.customWatchfaceData.json)
if (!resDataMap.isEquals(it.customWatchfaceData.resDatas) || jsonString != it.customWatchfaceData.json) {
resDataMap = it.customWatchfaceData.resDatas
jsonString = it.customWatchfaceData.json
@ -177,18 +178,11 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
binding.mainLayout.forEach { view ->
ViewMap.fromId(view.id)?.let { viewMap ->
json.optJSONObject(viewMap.key)?.also { viewJson ->
when (view) {
is TextView -> viewMap.customizeTextView(view, viewJson)
is ImageView -> viewMap.customizeImageView(view, viewJson)
is lecho.lib.hellocharts.view.LineChartView -> viewMap.customizeGraphView(view, viewJson)
else -> viewMap.customizeViewCommon(view, viewJson)
} ?: apply {
view.visibility = View.GONE
if (view is TextView) {
view.text = ""
is TextView -> viewMap.customizeTextView(view)
is ImageView -> viewMap.customizeImageView(view)
is lecho.lib.hellocharts.view.LineChartView -> viewMap.customizeGraphView(view)
else -> viewMap.customizeViewCommon(view)
@ -445,8 +439,11 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
it.highCustom = null
it.lowCustom = null
it.textDrawable = null
it.viewJson = null
it.twinView = null
fun fromId(id: Int): ViewMap? = values().firstOrNull { it.id == id }
fun fromKey(key: String?): ViewMap? = values().firstOrNull { it.key == key }
lateinit var cwf: CustomWatchface
@ -454,6 +451,10 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
var height = 0
var left = 0
var top = 0
var viewJson: JSONObject? = null
get() = field ?: cwf.json.optJSONObject(key)?.also { viewJson = it }
val visibility: Int
get() = viewJson?.let { cwf.setVisibility(it.optString(VISIBILITY.key, JsonKeyValues.GONE.key), visibility()) } ?: View.GONE
var dynData: DynProvider? = null
var rangeCustom: Drawable? = null
get() = field ?: customDrawable?.let { cd -> cwf.resDataMap[cd.fileName]?.toDrawable(cwf.resources).also { rangeCustom = it } }
@ -469,13 +470,17 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
-1L -> lowCustom ?: rangeCustom
else -> rangeCustom
var twinView: ViewMap? = null
get() = field ?: viewJson?.let { viewJson -> ViewMap.fromKey(viewJson.optString(TWINVIEW.key)).also { twinView = it } }
fun visibility(): Boolean = this.pref?.let { cwf.sp.getBoolean(it, true) }
?: true
fun textDrawable(viewJson: JSONObject): Drawable? = textDrawable
?: cwf.resDataMap[viewJson.optString(JsonKeys.BACKGROUND.key)]?.toDrawable(cwf.resources, width, height)?.also { textDrawable = it }
fun textDrawable(): Drawable? = textDrawable
?: cwf.resDataMap[viewJson?.optString(JsonKeys.BACKGROUND.key)]?.toDrawable(cwf.resources, width, height)?.also { textDrawable = it }
fun customizeViewCommon(view: View, viewJson: JSONObject) {
fun customizeViewCommon(view: View) {
view.visibility = visibility
viewJson?.let {viewJson ->
width = (viewJson.optInt(WIDTH.key) * cwf.zoomFactor).toInt()
height = (viewJson.optInt(HEIGHT.key) * cwf.zoomFactor).toInt()
left = (viewJson.optInt(LEFTMARGIN.key) * cwf.zoomFactor).toInt()
@ -483,17 +488,20 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
val params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height)
dynData = DynProvider.getDyn(cwf, viewJson.optString(DYNDATA.key), width, height, key)
val topOffset = if (viewJson.optBoolean(TOPOFFSET.key, false)) dynData?.getTopOffset() ?: 0 else 0
params.topMargin = top + topOffset
val topOffsetTwin = ((twinView?.let { if (it.visibility != View.VISIBLE) viewJson.optInt(TOPOFFSETTWINHIDDEN.key,0) else 0 } ?: 0 ) * cwf.zoomFactor).toInt()
params.topMargin = top + topOffset + topOffsetTwin
val leftOffset = if (viewJson.optBoolean(LEFTOFFSET.key, false)) dynData?.getLeftOffset() ?: 0 else 0
params.leftMargin = left + leftOffset
val leftOffsetTwin = ((twinView?.let { if (it.visibility != View.VISIBLE) viewJson.optInt(LEFTOFFSETTWINHIDDEN.key,0) else 0 } ?: 0) * cwf.zoomFactor).toInt()
params.leftMargin = left + leftOffset + leftOffsetTwin
view.layoutParams = params
view.visibility = cwf.setVisibility(viewJson.optString(VISIBILITY.key, JsonKeyValues.GONE.key), visibility())
val rotationOffset = if (viewJson.optBoolean(ROTATIONOFFSET.key, false)) dynData?.getRotationOffset()?.toFloat() ?: 0F else 0F
view.rotation = viewJson.optInt(ROTATION.key).toFloat() + rotationOffset
fun customizeTextView(view: TextView, viewJson: JSONObject) {
customizeViewCommon(view, viewJson)
fun customizeTextView(view: TextView) {
viewJson?.let { viewJson ->
view.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, (viewJson.optInt(TEXTSIZE.key, 22) * cwf.zoomFactor).toFloat())
view.gravity = GravityMap.gravity(viewJson.optString(GRAVITY.key, GravityMap.CENTER.key))
@ -504,12 +512,14 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
view.isAllCaps = viewJson.optBoolean(ALLCAPS.key)
if (viewJson.has(TEXTVALUE.key))
view.text = viewJson.optString(TEXTVALUE.key)
view.background = dynData?.getDrawable() ?: textDrawable(viewJson)
view.background = dynData?.getDrawable() ?: textDrawable()
} ?: apply { view.text = "" }
fun customizeImageView(view: ImageView, viewJson: JSONObject) {
customizeViewCommon(view, viewJson)
fun customizeImageView(view: ImageView) {
viewJson?.let { viewJson ->
drawable?.let {
if (viewJson.has(COLOR.key) || (dynData?.stepColor ?: 0) > 0) // Note only works on bitmap (png or jpg) or xml included into res, not for svg files
it.colorFilter = cwf.changeDrawableColor(dynData?.getColor() ?: cwf.getColor(viewJson.optString(COLOR.key)))
@ -524,11 +534,14 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
fun customizeGraphView(view: lecho.lib.hellocharts.view.LineChartView, viewJson: JSONObject) {
customizeViewCommon(view, viewJson)
fun customizeGraphView(view: lecho.lib.hellocharts.view.LineChartView) {
viewJson?.let { viewJson ->
view.setBackgroundColor(dynData?.getColor() ?: cwf.getColor(viewJson.optString(COLOR.key, "#0000000000"), Color.TRANSPARENT))
view.background = dynData?.getDrawable() ?: textDrawable(viewJson)
view.background = dynData?.getDrawable() ?: textDrawable()
@ -549,6 +562,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
fun init(cwf: CustomWatchface) = values().forEach {
it.cwf = cwf
it.arrowCustom = null
fun drawable() = values().firstOrNull { it.symbol == it.cwf.singleBg.slopeArrow }?.arrowCustom ?: NONE.arrowCustom
fun value() = values().firstOrNull { it.symbol == it.cwf.singleBg.slopeArrow }?.dynValue ?: NONE.dynValue
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