2019-11-07 22:39:29 +01:00
package info.nightscout.androidaps.complications;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.graphics.drawable.Icon;
import android.support.wearable.complications.ComplicationData;
import android.support.wearable.complications.ComplicationManager;
import android.support.wearable.complications.ComplicationProviderService;
import android.support.wearable.complications.ComplicationText;
import android.support.wearable.complications.ProviderUpdateRequester;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import androidx.localbroadcastmanager.content.LocalBroadcastManager;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.R;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.aaps;
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import info.nightscout.androidaps.data.RawDisplayData;
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import info.nightscout.androidaps.data.ListenerService;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interaction.utils.Constants;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interaction.utils.DisplayFormat;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interaction.utils.Inevitable;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interaction.utils.Persistence;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interaction.utils.WearUtil;
* Base class for all complications
* Created by dlvoy on 2019-11-12
public abstract class BaseComplicationProviderService extends ComplicationProviderService {
private static final String TAG = BaseComplicationProviderService.class.getSimpleName();
private static final String KEY_COMPLICATIONS = "complications";
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private static final String KEY_LAST_SHOWN_SINCE_VALUE = "lastSince";
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private static final String KEY_STALE_REPORTED = "staleReported";
private static final String TASK_ID_REFRESH_COMPLICATION = "refresh-complication";
private LocalBroadcastManager localBroadcastManager;
private MessageReceiver messageReceiver;
public static void turnOff() {
Log.d(TAG, "TURNING OFF all active complications");
final Persistence persistence = new Persistence();
persistence.putString(KEY_COMPLICATIONS, "");
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public abstract ComplicationData buildComplicationData(int dataType, RawDisplayData raw, PendingIntent complicationPendingIntent);
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public abstract String getProviderCanonicalName();
public ComplicationAction getComplicationAction() { return ComplicationAction.MENU; };
public ComplicationData buildNoSyncComplicationData(int dataType,
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RawDisplayData raw,
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PendingIntent complicationPendingIntent,
PendingIntent exceptionalPendingIntent,
long since) {
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final ComplicationData.Builder builder = new ComplicationData.Builder(dataType);
if (dataType != ComplicationData.TYPE_LARGE_IMAGE) {
builder.setIcon(Icon.createWithResource(this, R.drawable.ic_sync_alert));
if (dataType == ComplicationData.TYPE_RANGED_VALUE) {
switch (dataType) {
case ComplicationData.TYPE_ICON:
case ComplicationData.TYPE_SHORT_TEXT:
case ComplicationData.TYPE_RANGED_VALUE:
if (since > 0) {
builder.setShortText(ComplicationText.plainText(DisplayFormat.shortTimeSince(since) + " old"));
} else {
case ComplicationData.TYPE_LONG_TEXT:
if (since > 0) {
builder.setLongText(ComplicationText.plainText(String.format(aaps.gs(R.string.label_warning_since), DisplayFormat.shortTimeSince(since))));
} else {
case ComplicationData.TYPE_LARGE_IMAGE:
return buildComplicationData(dataType, raw, complicationPendingIntent);
if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.WARN)) {
Log.w(TAG, "Unexpected complication type " + dataType);
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return builder.build();
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public ComplicationData buildOutdatedComplicationData(int dataType,
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RawDisplayData raw,
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PendingIntent complicationPendingIntent,
PendingIntent exceptionalPendingIntent,
long since) {
final ComplicationData.Builder builder = new ComplicationData.Builder(dataType);
if (dataType != ComplicationData.TYPE_LARGE_IMAGE) {
builder.setIcon(Icon.createWithResource(this, R.drawable.ic_alert));
builder.setBurnInProtectionIcon(Icon.createWithResource(this, R.drawable.ic_alert_burnin));
if (dataType == ComplicationData.TYPE_RANGED_VALUE) {
switch (dataType) {
case ComplicationData.TYPE_ICON:
case ComplicationData.TYPE_SHORT_TEXT:
case ComplicationData.TYPE_RANGED_VALUE:
if (since > 0) {
builder.setShortText(ComplicationText.plainText(DisplayFormat.shortTimeSince(since) + " old"));
} else {
case ComplicationData.TYPE_LONG_TEXT:
if (since > 0) {
builder.setLongText(ComplicationText.plainText(String.format(aaps.gs(R.string.label_warning_since), DisplayFormat.shortTimeSince(since))));
} else {
case ComplicationData.TYPE_LARGE_IMAGE:
return buildComplicationData(dataType, raw, complicationPendingIntent);
if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.WARN)) {
Log.w(TAG, "Unexpected complication type " + dataType);
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return builder.build();
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* If Complication depend on "since" field and need to be updated every minute or not
* and need only update when new DisplayRawData arrive
protected boolean usesSinceField() {
return false;
* Called when a complication has been activated. The method is for any one-time
* (per complication) set-up.
* You can continue sending data for the active complicationId until onComplicationDeactivated()
* is called.
public void onComplicationActivated(
int complicationId, int dataType, ComplicationManager complicationManager) {
Log.d(TAG, "onComplicationActivated(): " + complicationId + " of kind: "+getProviderCanonicalName());
Persistence persistence = new Persistence();
persistence.putString("complication_"+complicationId, getProviderCanonicalName());
persistence.putBoolean("complication_"+complicationId+"_since", usesSinceField());
persistence.addToSet(KEY_COMPLICATIONS, "complication_"+complicationId);
IntentFilter messageFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
messageReceiver = new BaseComplicationProviderService.MessageReceiver();
localBroadcastManager = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this);
localBroadcastManager.registerReceiver(messageReceiver, messageFilter);
* Called when the complication needs updated data from your provider. There are four scenarios
* when this will happen:
* 1. An active watch face complication is changed to use this provider
* 2. A complication using this provider becomes active
* 3. The period of time you specified in the manifest has elapsed (UPDATE_PERIOD_SECONDS)
* 4. You triggered an update from your own class via the
* ProviderUpdateRequester.requestUpdate() method.
public void onComplicationUpdate(
int complicationId, int dataType, ComplicationManager complicationManager) {
Log.d(TAG, "onComplicationUpdate() id: " + complicationId + " of class: "+getProviderCanonicalName());
// Create Tap Action so that the user can checkIfUpdateNeeded an update by tapping the complication.
final ComponentName thisProvider = new ComponentName(this, getProviderCanonicalName());
// We pass the complication id, so we can only update the specific complication tapped.
final PendingIntent complicationPendingIntent =
aaps.getAppContext(), thisProvider, complicationId, getComplicationAction());
final Persistence persistence = new Persistence();
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final RawDisplayData raw = new RawDisplayData();
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Log.d(TAG, "Complication data: " + raw.toDebugString());
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// store what is currently rendered in 'SGV since' field, to detect if it was changed and need update
persistence.putString(KEY_LAST_SHOWN_SINCE_VALUE, DisplayFormat.shortTimeSince(raw.datetime));
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// by each render we clear stale flag to ensure it is re-rendered at next refresh detection round
persistence.putBoolean(KEY_STALE_REPORTED, false);
ComplicationData complicationData;
if (WearUtil.msSince(persistence.whenDataUpdated()) > Constants.STALE_MS) {
// no new data arrived - probably configuration or connection error
final PendingIntent infoToast = ComplicationTapBroadcastReceiver.getTapWarningSinceIntent(
aaps.getAppContext(), thisProvider, complicationId, ComplicationAction.WARNING_SYNC, persistence.whenDataUpdated());
complicationData = buildNoSyncComplicationData(dataType, raw, complicationPendingIntent, infoToast, persistence.whenDataUpdated());
} else if (WearUtil.msSince(raw.datetime) > Constants.STALE_MS) {
// data arriving from phone AAPS, but it is outdated (uploader/NS/xDrip/Sensor error)
final PendingIntent infoToast = ComplicationTapBroadcastReceiver.getTapWarningSinceIntent(
aaps.getAppContext(), thisProvider, complicationId, ComplicationAction.WARNING_OLD, raw.datetime);
complicationData = buildOutdatedComplicationData(dataType, raw, complicationPendingIntent, infoToast, raw.datetime);
} else {
// data is up-to-date, we can render standard complication
complicationData = buildComplicationData(dataType, raw, complicationPendingIntent);
if (complicationData != null) {
complicationManager.updateComplicationData(complicationId, complicationData);
} else {
// If no data is sent, we still need to inform the ComplicationManager, so the update
// job can finish and the wake lock isn't held any longer than necessary.
* Called when the complication has been deactivated.
public void onComplicationDeactivated(int complicationId) {
Log.d(TAG, "onComplicationDeactivated(): " + complicationId);
Persistence persistence = new Persistence();
persistence.removeFromSet(KEY_COMPLICATIONS, "complication_"+complicationId);
if (localBroadcastManager != null && messageReceiver != null) {
* Schedule check for field update
public static void checkIfUpdateNeeded() {
Persistence p = new Persistence();
Log.d(TAG, "Pending check if update needed - "+p.getString(KEY_COMPLICATIONS, ""));
Inevitable.task(TASK_ID_REFRESH_COMPLICATION, 15 * Constants.SECOND_IN_MS, () -> {
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if (WearUtil.isBelowRateLimit("complication-checkIfUpdateNeeded", 5)) {
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Log.d(TAG, "Checking if update needed");
// We reschedule need for check - to make sure next check will Inevitable go in next 15s
* Check if displayed since field (field that shows how old, in minutes, is reading)
* is up-to-date or need to be changed (a minute or more elapsed)
private static void requestUpdateIfSinceChanged() {
final Persistence persistence = new Persistence();
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final RawDisplayData raw = new RawDisplayData();
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final String lastSince = persistence.getString(KEY_LAST_SHOWN_SINCE_VALUE, "-");
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final String calcSince = DisplayFormat.shortTimeSince(raw.datetime);
final boolean isStale = (WearUtil.msSince(persistence.whenDataUpdated()) > Constants.STALE_MS)
||(WearUtil.msSince(raw.datetime) > Constants.STALE_MS);
final boolean staleWasRefreshed = persistence.getBoolean(KEY_STALE_REPORTED, false);
final boolean sinceWasChanged = !lastSince.equals(calcSince);
if (sinceWasChanged|| (isStale && !staleWasRefreshed)) {
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persistence.putString(KEY_LAST_SHOWN_SINCE_VALUE, calcSince);
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persistence.putBoolean(KEY_STALE_REPORTED, isStale);
Log.d(TAG, "Detected refresh of time needed! Reason: "
+ (isStale ? "- stale detected": "")
+ (sinceWasChanged ? "- since changed from: "+lastSince+" to: "+calcSince : ""));
if (isStale) {
// all complications should update to show offline/old warning
} else {
// ... but only some require update due to 'since' field change
* Request update for specified list of providers
private static void requestUpdate(Set<String> providers) {
for (String provider: providers) {
Log.d(TAG, "Pending update of "+provider);
// We wait with updating allowing all request, from various sources, to arrive
Inevitable.task("update-req-"+provider, 700, () -> {
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if (WearUtil.isBelowRateLimit("update-req-"+provider, 2)) {
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Log.d(TAG, "Requesting update of "+provider);
final ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(aaps.getAppContext(), provider);
final ProviderUpdateRequester providerUpdateRequester = new ProviderUpdateRequester(aaps.getAppContext(), componentName);
* List all Complication providing classes that have active (registered) providers
private static Set<String> getActiveProviderClasses() {
Persistence persistence = new Persistence();
Set<String> providers = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> complications = persistence.getSetOf(KEY_COMPLICATIONS);
for (String complication: complications) {
final String providerClass = persistence.getString(complication, "");
if (providerClass.length() > 0) {
return providers;
* List all Complication providing classes that have active (registered) providers
* and additionally they depend on "since" field
* == they need to be updated not only on data broadcasts, but every minute or so
private static Set<String> getSinceDependingProviderClasses() {
Persistence persistence = new Persistence();
Set<String> providers = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> complications = persistence.getSetOf(KEY_COMPLICATIONS);
for (String complication: complications) {
final String providerClass = persistence.getString(complication, "");
final boolean dependOnSince = persistence.getBoolean(complication+"_since", false);
if ((providerClass.length() > 0)&&(dependOnSince)) {
return providers;
* Listen to broadcast --> new data was stored by ListenerService to Persistence
public class MessageReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Set<String> complications = Persistence.setOf(KEY_COMPLICATIONS);
if (complications.size() > 0) {
// We request all active providers