<stringname="objectivenotstarted">Objective %1$d not started</string>
<stringname="objectivenotfinished">Objective %1$d not finished</string>
<stringname="objectives_0_objective">Setting up visualization and monitoring, and analyzing basals and ratios</string>
<stringname="objectives_0_gate">Verify that BG is available in Nightscout, and pump insulin data is being uploaded</string>
<stringname="objectives_openloop_objective">Starting on an open loop</string>
<stringname="objectives_openloop_gate">Run in Open Loop mode for a few days and manually enact lots of temp basals. Set up and use temporary and default temporary targets (e.g. for activity or hypo treatment carbs)</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxbasal_objective">Understanding your open loop, including its temp basal recommendations</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxbasal_gate">Based on that experience, decide what max basal should be, and set it on the pump and preferences</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxiobzero_objective">Starting to close the loop with Low Glucose Suspend</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxiobzero_gate">Run in closed loop with max IOB = 0 for a few days without too many LGS events</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxiob_objective">Tuning the closed loop, raising max IOB above 0 and gradually lowering BG targets</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxiob_gate">Run for a few days, and at least one night with no low BG alarms, before dropping BG</string>
<stringname="objectives_autosens_objective">Adjust basals and ratios if needed, and then enable auto-sens</string>
<stringname="objectives_autosens_gate">1 week successful daytime looping with regular carb entry</string>
<stringname="objectives_ama_objective">Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as advanced meal assist</string>
<stringname="objectives_smb_objective">Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as SMB</string>
<stringname="objectives_smb_gate">You must read the wiki and rise maxIOB to get SMBs working fine! A good start is maxIOB=average mealbolus + 3 x max daily basal</string>
<stringname="objectives_auto_gate">Read the docs how automation works. Setup your first simple rules. Instead of action let AAPS display only notification. When you are sure automation is triggered at the right time replace notification by real action. (https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Usage/Automation.html)</string>
<stringname="enter_code_obtained_from_developers_to_bypass_the_rest_of_objectives">If you have at least 3 month of closed loop experience with other systems you might qualify for a code to skip objectives. See https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Usage/Objectives.html#skip-objectives for details.</string>