<stringname="unsupported_basal_rate">The basal of the profile is less than 0.05 U/hr. EOPatch has a minimum injection unit of 0.05U. Please try again after setting the profile to more than the minimum injection unit.</string>
<stringname="no_profile_selected">No profile selected. Please select a profile and try again.</string>
<stringname="time_30min">30 min</string>
<stringname="time_1hr">1 hr</string>
<stringname="time_1hr_30min">1 hr 30 min</string>
<stringname="time_2hr">2 hr</string>
<stringname="patch_safe_deactivation_desc">To change to new Patch, the current Patch must be discarded. All insulin delivery from Patch will be canceled.</string>
<stringname="patch_discard_complete_title">Discarding the patch is completed.</string>
<stringname="patch_discard_complete_desc">Patch has been deactivated.\nDiscard the patch.\nRemove the patch attached to your body.</string>
<stringname="patch_change_confirm_bolus_is_active_desc">A bolus has been delivering right now. Do you really want to cancel the insulin delivery and discard the Patch?</string>
<stringname="patch_change_confirm_temp_basal_is_active_desc">A temp basal has been delivering right now. Do you really want to cancel the insulin delivery and discard the Patch?</string>
<stringname="patch_change_confirm_bolus_and_temp_basal_are_active_desc">A bolus and temp basal have been delivering right now. Do you really want to cancel the insulin delivery and discard the Patch?</string>
<stringname="patch_change_confirm_desc">Are you sure to discard a Patch?</string>
<stringname="patch_comm_error_during_discard_status">Discard Patch Communication error during discard </string>
<stringname="patch_comm_error_during_discard_desc">For the normal deactivation, Tap \'Retry\'.\nFor unilateral deactivation, Tap \'Discard\'.</string>
<stringname="patch_comm_error_during_discard_desc_1">For the normal deactivation, Tap \'Retry\'.</string>
<stringname="patch_comm_error_during_discard_desc_2">For unilateral deactivation, Tap \'Discard\'.</string>
<stringname="patch_manually_turning_off_alarm_title">Manually turning off the Patch\'s Alarm</string>
<stringname="patch_manually_turning_off_alarm_desc_1">If deactivated unilaterally during a communication error, the Alarm beep may not stop from Patch.</string>
<stringname="patch_manually_turning_off_alarm_desc_2">In this case, you can stop it completely by poking the manual Alarm releasing port on the Patch as below:</string>
<stringname="patch_manually_turning_off_alarm_step_1">1. Remove the Patch from your body and peel the adhesive tape off.</string>
<stringname="patch_manually_turning_off_alarm_step_2">2. Use a clip, poke the hole next to the insulin fill port strongly.</string>
<stringname="patch_connect_new_desc">The new Patch is being paired.\nKeep the distance between the Patch and the smart device as close as possible</string>
<stringname="patch_remove_needle_cap">Prepare for attaching the Patch</string>
<stringname="insulin_suspend_msg1">Upon the suspend, the currently deliverying Bolus & Temp basal will be canceled. \n\nRate : %1$s U/hr\nRemaining time : %2$s\n& Insulin to go : %3$.2f U</string>
<stringname="insulin_suspend_msg2">Upon the suspend, the currently deliverying Bolus will be canceled. \n\nInsulin to go : %1$.2f U</string>
<stringname="insulin_suspend_msg3">Upon the suspend, the currently deliverying Temp Basal will be canceled. \n\nRate : %1$s U/hr\nRemaining time : %2$s</string>
<stringname="insulin_suspend_msg4">Insulin delivery will be suspended.</string>
<stringname="string_caution_not_remove_needle_cap">[Caution] DO NOT remove the needle cap and the adhesive backing until further instruction.</string>
<stringname="string_are_you_sure_to_discard_current_patch">Are you sure to deiscard the current Patch?</string>
<stringname="string_unconfirmed_bolus_info_discard_confirm_message">Due to an unconfirmed bolus information, Bolus calc cannot be used until %s.\n\nAre you sure to discard the current Patch?</string>
<stringname="string_resume_insulin_delivery_message">End of insulin suspend.\nTap \'Confirm\' to resume insulin delivery.\n\n[Caution]\nInsulin delivery will not resume until you tap \'Confirm\'.\nIf you do not tap \'Confirm\', you could develop hyperglycemia.</string>
<stringname="string_suspended_insulin_delivery_message">Insulin delivery is suspended.</string>
<stringname="string_resumed_insulin_delivery_message">Insulin delivery is resumed.</string>