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2019-09-04 00:00:52 +02:00
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2019-09-05 20:26:23 +02:00
<string name="dia_whatmeansdia">What is true about DIA?</string>
<string name="dia_label">Topic: Duration of Insulin Action</string>
2019-09-06 23:53:28 +02:00
<string name="dia_minimumis3h">The predetermined minimum is 3 hours.</string>
<string name="dia_minimumis5h">The predetermined minimum is 5 hours.</string>
2019-09-05 20:26:23 +02:00
<string name="dia_hint1"></string>
2019-09-06 23:53:28 +02:00
<string name="dia_meaningisequaltodiapump">It is equal to the DIA parameter used in your pump.</string>
<string name="dia_valuemustbedetermined">You have to determine your individual value (but not less than 5 hours).</string>
<string name="hypott_label">Topic: Hypo Temp-Target</string>
2019-09-07 12:43:36 +02:00
<string name="hypott_whenhypott">Why is it useful to set a hypo TT?</string>
<string name="hypott_goinglow">Prevent BG from going low.</string>
<string name="hypott_preventoversmb">To prevent SMB enactment after a hypo rise from fast carbs.</string>
2019-09-05 20:26:23 +02:00
<string name="hypott_hint1"></string>
2019-09-06 23:53:28 +02:00
<string name="offlineprofile_whatprofile">Which profile can be used and configured offline?</string>
<string name="offlineprofile_label">Topic: Offline Profile</string>
<string name="offlineprofile_nsprofile">NS Profile can be used, but not configured.</string>
2019-09-05 20:26:23 +02:00
<string name="offlineprofile_hint1"></string>
<string name="pumpdisconnect_label">Topic: Disconnecting from the Pump</string>
2019-09-06 23:53:28 +02:00
<string name="pumpdisconnect_whattodo">What to do when taking the pump off?</string>
<string name="pumpdisconnect_letknow">Let the loop know that there is no insulin being delivered to your body by clicking disconnect pump.</string>
<string name="pumpdisconnect_dontchnage">Don\'t change anything in loop, just take the pump off.</string>
2019-09-06 15:02:41 +02:00
<string name="pumpdisconnect_hint1"></string>
<string name="objectives_label">Topic: AndroidAPS Settings</string>
2019-09-06 23:53:28 +02:00
<string name="objectives_howtosave">What are best practices to backup your settings?</string>
<string name="objectives_exportsettings">Locally export them from Maintenance menu.</string>
<string name="objectives_storeelsewhere">Store exported file to another place like email, Dropbox, Google drive…</string>
2019-09-06 23:53:28 +02:00
<string name="objectives_doexportonstart">Export them right after installation of AAPS.</string>
<string name="objectives_doexportafterchange">Export them after every change of a setting.</string>
<string name="objectives_doexportafterfirtssettings">Export them when you finish initial settings.</string>
2019-09-06 15:02:41 +02:00
<string name="objectives_hint1"></string>
2019-09-15 11:55:57 +02:00
<string name="objectives_hint2"></string>
<string name="noisycgm_label">Topic: Noisy CGM Readings</string>
2019-09-06 23:53:28 +02:00
<string name="noisycgm_whattodo">What to do when you see CGM signals are too noisy?</string>
<string name="nothing">Nothing, the loop will deal with it.</string>
<string name="noisycgm_pause">Pause closed-loop mode to avoid overdosing.</string>
<string name="noisycgm_replacesensor">Replace the CGM sensor.</string>
2019-09-15 12:39:11 +02:00
<string name="noisycgm_turnoffphone">Turn off the phone.</string>
2019-09-06 15:02:41 +02:00
<string name="noisycgm_hint1"></string>
2019-09-06 23:53:28 +02:00
<string name="noisycgm_checksmoothing">Check if your CGM app smoothes data.</string>
<string name="exercise_label">Topic: Exercise</string>
<string name="exercise_whattodo">How can you help the system deal with exercise?</string>
<string name="exercise_setactivitytt">Set an activity temp-target.</string>
<string name="exercise_switchprofilebelow100">Do a profile switch below 100%.</string>
<string name="exercise_switchprofileabove100">Do a profile switch above 100%.</string>
<string name="exercise_stoploop">Stop the loop.</string>
<string name="exercise_doitbeforestart">Set activity temp-target before the start of exercise.</string>
2019-09-07 11:56:16 +02:00
<string name="exercise_hint1"></string>
<string name="suspendloop_label">Topic: Suspended Loop</string>
2019-09-15 15:37:48 +02:00
<string name="suspendloop_doigetinsulin">Do I get insulin when loop is suspended?</string>
<string name="suspendloop_yes">Yes, the common basal rate.</string>
<string name="suspendloop_no">No, delivery of insulin is stopped.</string>
<string name="basaltest_label">Topic: Basal, ISF, and IC Testing</string>
<string name="basaltest_when">When should I validate basals, ISF, and IC values?</string>
<string name="basaltest_beforeloop">Before I start looping.</string>
<string name="basaltest_havingregularhypo">When having regular hypos BG\'s.</string>
<string name="basaltest_havingregularhyper">When having regular hypers BG\'s.</string>
2019-09-07 11:56:16 +02:00
<string name="basaltest_hint1"></string>
<string name="prerequisites_label">Topic: Prerequisites</string>
2019-09-07 13:50:55 +02:00
<string name="prerequisites_what">What do I need?</string>
<string name="prerequisites_determinedcorrectprofile">Determined correct profile (Basals, IC, ISF, DIA).</string>
<string name="prerequisites_computer">A computer to create an APK.</string>
<string name="prerequisites_phone">A supported phone.</string>
<string name="prerequisites_car">A Car.</string>
<string name="prerequisites_nightscout">Nightscout to pass the objectives.</string>
<string name="prerequisites_tidepoolaccount">A Tidepool account.</string>
<string name="prerequisites_googleaccount">A Google account.</string>
<string name="prerequisites_githubaccount">A Github account.</string>
<string name="prerequisites_beanandroiddeveloper">Need to be an Android developer.</string>
<string name="prerequisites_own670g">A MiniMed 670G pump.</string>
2019-09-07 13:50:55 +02:00
<string name="prerequisites_hint1"></string>
<string name="prerequisites_smartwatch">A Smartwatch.</string>
<string name="prerequisites_supportedcgm">A Supported CGM.</string>
<string name="update_label">Topic: Updating of AndroidAPS</string>
2019-09-07 13:50:55 +02:00
<string name="whatistrue">What is true?</string>
<string name="update_git">You need to have Git installed.</string>
<string name="update_asap">Update as soon as new version is released.</string>
2019-09-27 18:03:58 +02:00
<string name="update_keys">You should use the same signing keys.</string>
<string name="update_neverupdate">Never update if the system is working well.</string>
<string name="update_askfriend">Ask your friend for the new APK.</string>
2019-09-07 13:50:55 +02:00
<string name="update_hint1"></string>
<string name="troubleshooting_label">Topic: Troubleshooting</string>
2019-09-07 13:57:32 +02:00
<string name="troubleshooting_wheretoask">Where to look for help?</string>
<string name="troubleshooting_fb">Join the AndroidAPS Facebook group.</string>
<string name="troubleshooting_wiki">Visit the AndroidAPS Wiki.</string>
<string name="troubleshooting_gitter">Visit AndroidAPS Gitter Room.</string>
<string name="troubleshooting_googlesupport">Visit AndroidAPS Google support</string>
<string name="troubleshooting_yourendo">Speak to your endocrinologist.</string>
2019-09-07 13:50:55 +02:00
<string name="troubleshooting_hint1"></string>
<string name="troubleshooting_hint2"></string>
<string name="troubleshooting_hint3"></string>
<string name="insulin_label">Topic: Insulin</string>
<string name="insulin_ultrarapid">Which brand of insulin can be used with Ultra-Rapid-Oref plugin?</string>
<string name="insulin_fiasp">Fiasp®</string>
<string name="insulin_novorapid">NovoRapid®</string>
<string name="insulin_humalog">Humalog®</string>
<string name="insulin_actrapid">Actrapid®</string>
2019-09-07 14:26:10 +02:00
<string name="insulin_hint1"></string>
<string name="sensitivity_label">Topic: Sensitivity Plugin</string>
2019-09-07 14:26:10 +02:00
<string name="sensitivity_which">Which sensitivity plugin has user defined time range for detection?</string>
<string name="sensitivity_hint1"></string>
<string name="sensitivityuam_which">Which sensitivity plugin must be used for the UAM feature?</string>
<string name="wrongcarbs_label">Topic: Wrong Carb Entries</string>
2019-09-07 18:52:17 +02:00
<string name="wrongcarbs_whattodo">You see you have entered wrong carbs. What should you do?</string>
<string name="wrongcarbs_treatmentstab">Go to Treatments, delete wrong carbs and enter new carbs.</string>
2019-09-15 12:39:11 +02:00
<string name="wrongcarbs_addfakeinsulin">Add fake insulin by using Refill function</string>
<string name="extendedcarbs_label">Topic: Food with Fat and Protein</string>
<string name="extendedcarbs_handling">What to do if your food contains a large amount of fat and\/or proteins?</string>
<string name="extendedcarbs_useextendedcarbs">Recalculate fat and proteins to carbs and use \"Extended carbs\" feature.</string>
<string name="extendedcarbs_add">Recalculate fat and proteins to carbs and add it to bolus calculation.</string>
<string name="extendedcarbs_useextendedbolus">Use extended bolus to cover fat and proteins.</string>
2019-09-15 11:55:57 +02:00
<string name="extendedcarbs_hint1"></string>
<string name="nsclient_label">Topic: Monitoring Children</string>
2019-09-07 18:52:17 +02:00
<string name="nsclient_howcanyou">How can you monitor AAPS of your child remotely?</string>
<string name="nsclient_nightscout">Using a Nightscout site.</string>
2019-09-24 21:48:57 +02:00
<string name="nsclient_dexcomfollow">Dexcom Follow app if you are using the original Dexcom app (BG only).</string>
<string name="nsclient_dexcomfollowxdrip">Dexcom Follow if you are using the xDrip app.</string>
<string name="nsclient_xdripfollower">xDrip running in follower mode.</string>
<string name="nsclient_looponiphone">Loop app on iPhone.</string>
<string name="nsclient_spikeiphone">Spike app on iPhone.</string>
2019-09-23 20:38:15 +02:00
<string name="nsclient_hint1"></string>
<string name="isf_label">Topic: Insulin Sensitivity Factor</string>
<string name="isf_increasingvalue">Increasing ISF number will lead to less insulin delivery if you are trying to lower your BG with the bolus wizard.</string>
<string name="isf_decreasingvalue">Decreasing ISF number will lead to less insulin delivery if you are trying to lower your BG with the bolus wizard.</string>
<string name="isf_noeffect">Changing ISF has no effect on amount of insulin given by AAPS when trying to correct hyperglycemia.</string>
<string name="isf_preferences">You have to enter ISF in Preferences.</string>
<string name="isf_profile">Changing the ISF value in your profile is enough to apply the change.</string>
2019-09-07 18:52:17 +02:00
<string name="isf_hint1"></string>
<string name="isf_hint2"></string>
<string name="ic_label">Topic: The IC Value</string>
<string name="ic_increasingvalue">Increasing the IC value will lead to less insulin delivery for the same amount of carbs.</string>
<string name="ic_decreasingvalue">Decreasing the IC value will lead to less insulin delivery for the same amount of carbs.</string>
<string name="ic_noeffect">Assume you have 0 COB. Changing IC will lead to a different amount of insulin to correct your BG number.</string>
<string name="ic_different">IC will be different if you count bread unit as 10g or 12g.</string>
<string name="ic_meaning">IC meaning is: How many bread units are covered by 1U of insulin.</string>
2019-09-07 18:52:17 +02:00
<string name="ic_hint1"></string>
<string name="profileswitch_label">Topic: Profile Switching</string>
<string name="profileswitch_pctwillchange"> When specifying 90% in profile switch…</string>
<string name="profileswitch_basalhigher">Basals will be 10% higher.</string>
<string name="profileswitch_basallower">Basals will be 10% lower.</string>
<string name="profileswitch_ichigher">IC value will be 10% higher.</string>
<string name="profileswitch_iclower">IC value will be 10% lower.</string>
<string name="profileswitch_isfhigher">ISF value will be 10% higher.</string>
<string name="profileswitch_isflower">ISF value will be 10% lower.</string>
2019-09-27 18:03:58 +02:00
<string name="profileswitch_overall">You will get around 10% less insulin in total.</string>
<string name="profileswitch_targethigher">Target wiil be 10% higher.</string>
<string name="profileswitch_targetlower">Target will be 10% lower.</string>
<string name="profileswitch_targetbottom">Only bottom target will be 10% lower.</string>
2019-09-07 19:34:31 +02:00
<string name="profileswitch_hint1"></string>
2019-09-15 15:18:55 +02:00
<string name="profileswitchtime_iwant">I want to do a profile switch because I had to wake up 1h earlier than usually, so it makes more sense to announce the change by the time shift with a profile switch. What number should I use?</string>
<string name="profileswitchtime_1">1</string>
<string name="profileswitchtime__1">-1</string>
<string name="profileswitchtime_hint1"></string>
<string name="profileswitchtime_60">60</string>
<string name="profileswitchtime__60">-60</string>
2019-09-23 21:31:06 +02:00
<string name="basalhelp_hint1"></string>
<string name="basalhelp_label">Topic: Help with basal rates</string>
<string name="basalhelp_where">Where to go for help with basalrate etc.</string>
<string name="basalhelp_diabetesteam">Your diabetes team</string>
<string name="basalhelp_google">Google</string>
<string name="basalhelp_facebook">Facebook</string>
2019-09-04 00:00:52 +02:00