<stringname="objectivenotstarted">Objective %1$d not started</string>
<stringname="objectivenotfinished">Objective %1$d not finished</string>
<stringname="objectives_0_objective">Setting up visualization and monitoring, and analyzing basals and ratios</string>
<stringname="objectives_0_gate">Verify that BG is available in Nightscout, and pump insulin data is being uploaded</string>
<stringname="objectives_openloop_objective">Starting on an open loop</string>
<stringname="objectives_openloop_gate">Run in Open Loop mode for a few days and manually enact lots of temp basals. Set up and use temporary and default temporary targets (e.g. for activity or hypo treatment carbs)</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxbasal_objective">Understanding your open loop, including its temp basal recommendations</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxbasal_gate">Based on that experience, decide what max basal should be, and set it on the pump and preferences</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxiobzero_objective">Starting to close the loop with Low Glucose Suspend</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxiobzero_gate">Run in closed loop with max IOB = 0 for a few days without too many LGS events</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxiob_objective">Tuning the closed loop, raising max IOB above 0 and gradually lowering BG targets</string>
<stringname="objectives_maxiob_gate">Run for a few days, and at least one night with no low BG alarms, before dropping BG</string>
<stringname="objectives_autosens_objective">Adjust basals and ratios if needed, and then enable auto-sens</string>
<stringname="objectives_autosens_gate">1 week successful daytime looping with regular carb entry</string>
<stringname="objectives_ama_objective">Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as advanced meal assist</string>
<stringname="objectives_smb_objective">Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as SMB</string>
<stringname="objectives_smb_gate">You must read the wiki and rise maxIOB to get SMBs working fine! A good start is maxIOB=average mealbolus + 3 x max daily basal</string>
<stringname="objectives_bgavailableinns">BG available in NS</string>
<stringname="objectives_pumpstatusavailableinns">Pump status available in NS</string>
<stringname="enter_code_obtained_from_developers_to_bypass_the_rest_of_objectives">If you were OpenAPS user before and your NS has at least 3 months of looping data, you can send an email to objectives@androidaps.org with your NS address and request code to bypass the rest of objectives. Enter code obtained from developers</string>